Hello Im new to map editing, recently having SC2 info pointed out to me by a buddy has sprung my interest again in SC. I got an old money may I modded for my nephew and I to play. And in melee we go all random, computers and our-selfs. In CMS I got the script figured out and the AI set, with seperate forces, but how can I set it so the computers are random as well? I dont like going into the map knowing there is 2 of each race we are vs'n Iv searched the forums and googled alot as well, yet lack any info on this subject. If Iv missed the obvious, sorry, please point me to were I can look. Thanks! Phyro
Basically, you will need to set up locations at each of the places you want the computers to be. It is possible to randomize these locations too, but that would be an extension of what I am about to tell you. To randomize the race of, say, Player 3, you would do the following: Code: InitializeRandomizationTrig: Conditions: Always(); Actions: SetSwitch(Switch 10, Set); RandomizationTrig: Conditions: Switch(Switch 10, Set); Actions: SetSwitch(Switch 1, Randomize); SetSwitch(Switch 2, Randomize); P3ZergTrig: Conditions: Switch(Switch 1, Cleared); Switch(Switch 2, Cleared); Actions: Create Unit(1, Zerg Hatchery, Computer3SpawnLocation, Player 3); Create Unit(4, Zerg Drone, Computer3SpawnLocation, Player 3); SetSwitch(Switch 10, Cleared); P3TerranTrig: Conditions: Switch(Switch 1, Cleared); Switch(Switch 2, Set); Actions: Create Unit(1, Terran Command Center, Computer3SpawnLocation, Player 3); Create Unit(4, Terran SCV, Computer3SpawnLocation, Player 3); SetSwitch(Switch 10, Cleared); P3ProtossTrig: Conditions: Switch(Switch 1, Set); Switch(Switch 2, Cleared); Actions: Create Unit(1, Protoss Nexus, Computer3SpawnLocation, Player 3); Create Unit(4, Protoss Probe, Computer3SpawnLocation, Player 3); SetSwitch(Switch 10, Cleared); ExtraComboTrig: Conditions: Switch(Switch 1, Set); Switch(Switch 2, Set); Actions: SetSwitch(Switch 10, Set); PreserveTrigger(); There is a way to do the above with one less trigger, but I use mini-triggers in case I ever want to trigger an event again. I'm sure ArvenDragon will be able to explain it all when he edits his post, but the above is what you will want to use. P.S. Set the player to Player 3 for all triggers.