Hey guys, me and my buddy have been trying new tactics since the beta was released. I think we now have come up with the strongest PZ tactic and I would like to share it, aswell getting some feedback and stuff like that. Protoss I, the Protoss players, goes for a pretty standard 4 gate build, and i also get a fast Twilight council and i Chrono boost my Charge and the Warp gate research to be able to mass out charging zealots (while i upgrade them) aswell as I'm getting 2 gas stations Zerg My buddy, the zerg player, goes for a 14 pool and a 15 hatch to be able to spam zerlings while he tech for pretty fast mutas. In a pretty fast rate we are able to push out with around 10-15 zeals and 24 lings (charge and wings) to push the enemy a bit while my buddy has 5-10 mutas on its way. Summary While the protossplayer can mass zealots he will also be able to spamsend gas to the Z-player since he is only using gas for upgrades and not for units. The Z-player will spam out mutas in an incredibly fast rate and this is the point where it's pretty much GG for the other team. (if it continues longer my buddy is still spamming mutas while i go 3-3-3-zeals/DTs) With this strategy we are able to counter almost any ground or air unit, and we havn't really met a good counter to our strategy yet, except for the early Mara-stalker push) Regards, Cheedhead (EDIT: Meant "PZ" in the threadname )
w. about static defenses? do you have a way around a goochoke with a few cannon towers/ missile turrets? And if the mutas are scouted, they're very easily countered. As are mass zealots/DTs. I really like the feed idea though ! ________ Mercedes-Benz W124 specifications
I like the feed idea as well. Yeah, you'll run into problems if the muta build is scouted as the tech for muta isn't too quick. You'll also be very vulnerable against early rushes, especially if they target your zerg ally first; it'd turn into a 1v2 very quickly. If he wasn't detected, mass hydras could destroy those mutas with ease
Static defenses havn't seemed to be a problem actually, since people often throw down 1-2 cannon/turret and that isn't enough to even kill 1 muta if you have 5-10 of them For the scouting: Thats also an amazing thing about this tactic, if the scout the mutas, they will often go for units that is easily countered by zealots, and vice versa... And if someone wanted to know, we play in Platinum league and we have around 30-5 in stats
Taji; We have faced that mass hydrabuild 2-3 times and I've teched up some colossus instead of DTs for those fights and raped the hydras (we always keep constant scouting), could be a big problem if I can't get colossus in time though...
hmm, might try this tactic when I get home but tbh, mutas are a fairly fragile unit unless theyre in HUGE numbers
Yep, that is true, mutas are rather fragile, but my buddy just tries to harass minerals lines until he gets a decent amount of 15-20 mutas before he tries to take out any units, but yeah, that is a problem if the enemy goes for example mass marines. One game we had to switch him from pumping mutas into just pumping mass cracklings to be able to win in the end, since they had too much marines / static defenses
Well, we have only played 1 game yet that we had to go mass lings instead of mutas, and by that time i had my DTs up to destroy his wall. But ofcourse, if they have detectors this would be a big problem for us, would maybe have to tech tier 3 units instead then