Two base Toss squish my Zerg

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Maps, Replays, Modding' started by ikkabotZ, Feb 5, 2011.

Two base Toss squish my Zerg

  1. ikkabotZ

    ikkabotZ New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Can I get some help with this replay please? I've been having a hard time keeping up with the macro against toss. It sounds silly, but it's where I am at right now with my game and I need some advice. I should have macro'd harder early in the game knowing he was going so bold on his second base, but opted for trying some roach pressure that set me at an early disadvantage to try and keep up with.

    In retrospect I think I need to generally go mutas on this map. Toss seems to protect their early two bases very well otherwise and I'm not very comfortable with them going without any harassment like they did this game. Overall, I'm just not happy with my strategy this game and my macro was behind, but I want some other perspectives to add to anything I may not notice. I needed to get a third up real early in the game and consider defending it either with a hydra into corruptor composition or a contain with mutalisk harassment.

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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  2. cosmonaut

    cosmonaut New Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    -Once you saw his gateway on the low ground with your initial overlord scout, you can assume one of two things, that he is fast expanding or pressuring early with a few gates. Look at his nexus, if you see the chronoboost being used on probes at this point you can assume he is fast expanding and drop at 14 hatch instead of 14 pool 13 gas(?) which you did instead.
    -Roach rush is terrible. Don't do it. Your opponent was very bad at macro(supply blocked consistently) despite your conclusion at the end, and if you hadn't committed economic suicide at the beginning by doing this build you would have easily overwhelmed him during the midgame or been able to stay 2+ expos ahead of him.
    - You made a good number of Corruptors. After you kill the Collosi at your gold base, you should have sent them around the toss base to pick off reinforcing collosi and given up on holding the gold.
    -After that attack you made a lot of roaches, you should have made hydralisks. With that many corruptors, he decided to dump his resources into a TON of stalkers(as you saw, and only made 3 more collosi the whole game.) With average micro, you can snipe his collosi and not lose Hydras. You had good ranged attack upgrades and your hydralisks could have eaten those stalkers, but instead you made a ton of roaches which suffer from the stalker's +armor damage bonus.

    I like your unit positioning and game sense, i just think your micro in battles was bad. If you verse protoss that turtle on two bases take the whole map(which you did, basically and i liked that). If he is stockpiling collosi, make a few overseers and contaminate his robo facilities. He would have been slowed down greatly. Also, make that group of corruptors you made useful as soon as you get them. Poke in around the toss ball and try to kill some collosi. Sometimes you can kill one or two and turn the entire tide of the game. This is safe until he gets blink stalkers.

    Anyways, happy gaming and good luck. If you need a toss to play against i play all races at about a plat-dia level. My character code is 872 and my character name is "cosmonaut"