TvT siege tank counter

Discussion in 'Terran' started by truman, Aug 9, 2010.

TvT siege tank counter

Discussion in 'Terran' started by truman, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. truman

    truman New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    HI, first post so say if i am doing something wrong
    did a quick search of the site but i can't find anything on this specifically. I play terran and i have the most trouble against other terran, one of my biggest problems is siege tanks. Its pretty easy to counter other terran units, but it is really easy for opponents to camp tanks and any aa (rines, turrets or vikings) to make an invincible turtle, i have alot of trouble taking out defensive positions.
    I have tried viking drops, because of minimum range, and also unsieged tanks work "ok" against 1 or 2 because of there fast unsieged dps, but these can both be easily countered by the opponent. btw i play platinum 1v1, and since placement am 50/50 win loss.
  2. Reasoner

    Reasoner New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Well, sometimes I see those pesky siege tanks out side of my base gorunded or whatever its called co banshees do the trick for me, and if marines or some units that can hit it quickly sneak in the cloak, and run like hell if he scans or gets a raven.
  3. truman

    truman New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    thanks, havent tried banshees yet because its such a tech commitment usually go reactor king, if he has scan though thats a massive problem, siege just counter all ground so dam well its tough to crack
  4. BambooPanda

    BambooPanda New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    If any Race turtles, the standard procedure is to bunker down for the 30 minute macro game where you expand everywhere, build a surplus of production buildings and get all your relevant upgrades to level 3. You can just start throwing resources at their face and overwhelm their defenses eventually since a Turtle will be limited to one mineral line. It's an auto-win scenario but it just takes a while to play it out.

    In TvT, if both sides are on the same level of ground (no high ground advantage) then it comes down to having more Vkings. Siege tanks shoot farther than their own vision radius, so whoever can circle around in the air in range of the opponent's tanks will get to kill them off with your own tanks in siege mode.

    Banshees can also work to take out a tank line, but there's usually a small window of opportunity to make it happen. It's best to stockpile 3 or 4 Banshees and then roll in and micro back and forth to blow their scans. An opponent's Vikings will out-range Banshees so again it comes down to air dominance. More often than not, the Banshees only have enough lifespan (before a good T player counters your Banshees) to get an opponent's tanks out of that "critical mass" number so that you can take your real army composition and over-run the remaining tanks with marauders.

    Cloaked ghosts with a nuke is also surprisingly good in TvT. They can grant the extra line of sight that Vikings normally would in order to out-range an opponent's tanks and you can place them to the side or even behind the tanks so that a T player will only have a 25% chance of scanning in the right quadrant. Against a Terran's fortified choke, you can place the middle of the nuke halfway up the length of their ramp. It keeps the Ghost out of their siege tank range if they find him with a scan, and the second half of the nuke's radius is large enough to take out their defenses. On middle ground, initiating a nuke can force a T player to un-siege their tank line and you can stim your marauders and wipe them out.
  5. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    You can also harass them to death if they happen to get the jump on you and trap you in their base. Tanks take forever to move so a roaming group of 5-10 reapers or some banshees can do a ton of damage. Or some drops here and there can help loosen things up.

    If you find yourself against a turtled terran, you are more often then not at an advantage, when turtled you should try to break the siege as soon as humanly possible since you're only going to get trapped harder and harder
  6. Villiers

    Villiers New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Against skilled terran tank usage, I usually resort to using my own tanks and vikings throughout early-mid game as I try to harass and out-macro them. When mid-late game hits, I usually go for battlecruisers and try to hide them. Once I have five or six, I send them in backed by vikings and it's usually a big enough hit to end it.