8 Depot (Scout when done) 10 Barracks 13 Barracks 15 Depot Refinery when money allows Academy+Depot when money allows Depot Factory Factory The move to the last two factories comes a bit slowly, mainly because once I have the 2 rax built I start massing marines, after the academy I produce a few medics for support, along with a few firebats, then a dedicated move to dual factories to start massing tanks I'm not sure this is a good approach, and even less sure about what to do after the 2 rax. What are your thoughts?
I think fast 2 factorys with expo is the best, as marines dies to tanks + the new not known unit. 8 depot 10 barracks 11 refinery When barrack finish build factory When money ready, build second factory expand to natural Thats my opinion. You can check some guides on the net (this is taken from my memory) Or you can check some pro matches on youtube (search Klazart (then its with commentary too))
If you mean by the numbers the number of SCVs than I prefer to use an earlier tactic.. 6 Barracks (countinously producing marines maybe for rush) 8 Depot 9 Refinery 10 Depot 12 Factory (when it is ready you will sure be able to make sieges, and upgrade) I like to place all my buildings to defensive positions, cause they have more hitpoints than units. And if things get hot, than lift it off. Unfortunately it doesn't work against Hydras, but Lings and Zealots can be owned with this. Well I succeded with it.. And sometimes I decide to "expand on the enemy, closing the ways out, preventing it to create early expansions.
Hunter that would result in a bad economy. This build was found on http://www.starcraft.org/strategies/StratsDB/terran/3046 Terran 2 fac opening: This is a rather more middle of the road opening compared to the previous two. Basically you are expanding faster than the 3 fac vulture rush, but making units faster than the 1 fac expo opening(early on) Do this if you're not feeling confident agaist your opponent. Build: 9 Depot 11 Barracks (Scout with SCV) 12 Refinery 15 Depot 16 Factory 19 Factory Its a very good build in T against T
Yes furrer, I know this results a bit of mineral loss at the 10th minute, but my matches are usually 10 minutes long, or much longer. If my attack doesn't suceed, I can use my buildings to hide behind, or secure other expansions.. It gives me a really hard time but I got used to it The tactics you posted also worth a read. I think I will try them. I am always open for new sollutions.