My marine/maurauder rush works well in general, until I hit Protos with 3 canons at the choke. Then I get stumped, and lose to Dark Templar. At least for the first time ever I scanned and found the dark temple. What should I have done? (scanned earlier? pulled back to base until I expanded and got a raven? Too exposed trying to contain him?) All help much appreciated - replay attached. BJ
honestly dts with surport rock MMM cause they just kill marines, simpley put have more diversity in your strat rather than marine maurder rushing because even if you detection with your main army ill just go kill your base with dts. but on the other side there are 3 ways to beat some one either have more stuff ( better macro 3 base it up) control your stuff better ( micro) or play a reactionary game, you get whatever kills his stuff best and you know this by scouting alot. the reaction to dts is going to be to have detection now because your terran you might negecte detection cause you have scans, this can work but if i have charge zealots with dts your scans will require you to micro as dts kill in one hit therefor are not auto aquired as well as zealots. hope this helps ( kinda though truely i hope the dts overrun you every time DEATH to the Terran My life for auir )
First of all, you scouted his forge before it was finished. That usually is indicative of a cannon rush so you should have scouted your whole base for cannons. Luckily that wasn't the case. Next, his cannons were built at about the 3 minute mark, while your SCV was still in his base. You should have at least taken a quick look at his front to see if he was turtling that much. If you did scout it, you could have immediately taken your natural expansion since you knew he would have no forces to attack it at all. More about your economy, you needed to make more SCVs. You can make it easier by hotkeying all your command centers to ctrl-4 or something. Finally, you did have a good contain going at the end, but you built turrets too late. It's worth it to build turrets preemptively, even if you don't know DTs are coming.
RushSecond and TooChaos - love those tips - thank you. OK - so early forge means canons. And scouting can tell me if he's turtling so I expand early (and maybe grab a tank). LOVE the pre-emptive turrets idea - why not? not that expensive. Can do an engineering bay at least to upgrade my marines. and yes I'm practising constant SCVs and units now after watching Day9's newbie tuesdays. if i see a dark temple, I hit turrets and get ravens? Still looking for ways to end the game early, as I don't have the skills to live in a mid to late game. Although it's somehow gotten me to #7 in my bronze league BJ
these are awesome tips! thanks rushsecond and too chaos - i'll practice constant SCVs, and scout to see if terran or protos are turtling damn it! (and then do a medevac drop or at least take a tank with me). And love the pre-emptive turrets idea - thank you - and the early expand.
Don't spam turrets btw... 1 at the entrance to your base will be enough to ward off un-dropped DTs... Also when in doubt, it's a good idea to save energy for a scan...