Many people wonder about the state of TvP in SC2 and how it will be affected by new units like the Immortal and Stalker. WIth the Immortal's Hardened Shields and the Stalker's Blink (which allows them to close in on Siege Tanks pretty fast), Siege Tanks seem to be less effective against Protoss in SC2 then in SC1. Also, Siege Mode is now researched at the Armory, which pushes it up the tech tree. This makes it a lot harder for Terran players to tech to the Siege Tank in TvP. Does that mean that Infantry will be necessary in every TvP game? Also, how does the Thor hold up in TvP. The Thor does 10x4 damage right (does it have a bonus against armored units?). So does that mean it will do full damage against Immortals? Because if thats the case, then the Thor could be a very good units against the Protoss. You could theoretically have a Thor + Siege Tank army, where the Thors would be in front and take most of the damage for the damage, while the Siege Tanks fire at the other units (especially with the increased amount of damage the Siege Tank does now). Also you have the Mech Rebirth ability to keep Thors alive. Is this correct to assume (for those who have played the current build at Blizzcon?) Also, in regards to the Immortals Hardened Shields last only till its shields are depleted? Or for its whole life? Meaning if an Immortal has no more shields, will it take full damage from Tanks? Or if I EMP'ed Immortals, would tanks be able to damage them?
Hmmm interesting questions. Since nvr play b4, I will have to rely on my own judgement. Perhaps those who played in Blizzcon can provide some input.. Its true that Immortals can counter Siege Tank efficiently. In fact mebbe siege tanks will do perhaps no damage at all to the Immortals but this is where I suppose u will have to rely on reapers or marines to take them out. Stalkers on the other hand imo is a bad choice against siege tanks. Though they can blink, their life is pretty low. In fact I believe siege tanks can blow them up just like dragoons from SC1. They can close up to the siege tanks min range but perhaps u can have some tanks in tank mode and some in siege mode. This way the problem is solved. And u can have some other units to accompany the tanks to solve the problems. I m sure no sane Terran players will only build tanks. I doubt infantries will be very useful against protoss considering there are collosus and high templars. But u can certainly hope so considering Ghosts will be able to emp the entire protoss army and they can snipe High Templars. We will see. Thors should be a great companion to the siege tanks. One specialize in land and the other speciliaze in air with both having aoe damage. Nice combination. But becoz Thors are at quite a high tier and they r expensive, mebbe they won't be a good counter for Immortals. Best to rely on marines, reapers or banshees to counter immortals.
I wonder if stalkers can actually blink across the siege tank's entire range. As ranged attackers, they're not likely to end up in good positions to attack anyway, especially if you use a group of them. At the very least, you'd need efficient scouting to get them to avoid the siege tank blasts. I'm just not seeing stalkers as a good siege tank counter, even with blink. Terrans facing protoss players shouldn't rely heavily on tanks, as the protoss player can trivialize the tanks using their immortals. However, between the hellion (zealot roaster?) and the thor (kills everything ground), I doubt terrans will be "forced" to use infantry.
wow...i never accualy thought about this... maybe in tvp people will be going MM now instead of mech? cuz the shields of the immortals dont help against infantry. and siege mode in the armory will hold the terran back in his base longer than before. as for the thor. if that is its damage, then it should do full on the immortal. am i think the immortals shileds are only untill they run out, but they probably aact like a defence matrix to heavy dmg, which means taking out its shields without infantry or some other low dmging unit would be hard. now ghosts have emp?
As far as I know yes the Ghost has emp but lost their lockdown spell. Well Ghosts are one of the best changes they made to SC2 from SC1 since they are now available much earlier. Enjoy emp + nuke on protoss bases if its reliable..
EMP only targets one unit now. I don't think seige tanks will still have the advantage against stalkers as they have quite low hitpoints and a cooldown for blink.