Tutorial: Looping Music [StarCraft]

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Jul 29, 2007.

Tutorial: Looping Music [StarCraft]

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Jul 29, 2007.

  1. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Looping Music (StarCraft 1)

    Ever play the Starship Troopers map made by PanzerKavalier? Remember how the music looped and looped, never ending? Here is a tutorial on how to loop your music/sounds as well!

    - An .mp3 or any other audio file converted to a .wav file (You can use the free sound editor Audacity to convert sound files, it can be found here in the StarCraft Map Development Tools & Utilities.)
    - Time conversion skills or calculator.

    By default, switches are cleared, so by having the Trigger set switch 1, it recognizes when to start.
    The first trigger set is the start condition and the second trigger set responds to the first.

    The X variable can be any number, but you would want it to be exactly the same as the number of seconds the music plays for, so it loops perfectly.To convert your seconds to milliseconds, use the Time Converter.

    An example:
    .wav file is exactly 20.15 seconds long, it would be 20,150 milliseconds.
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    man you are good. i want to be like you. lol anyway here :powerup:
  3. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    why not just
    play thingamy
    wait X


    P.S: z0mgers zeratul is 5 posts behind me noooooooo!!!!! *lowers and shakes head in disgrace*
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    wahahah. i may never win against you in starcraft. but i can beat you here. ^^
  5. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Something bad will happen as the trigger will fire continuously without pausing for the song to finish. The result? You will be hearing a million plus one songs at the same time. Kind of like a speech impediment, you will be hearing de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de and the words after the that will overlap making an unpleasant loop of sounds and mostly incomprehensible. Good question though!
  6. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    NO! NO! NO!

    THat's not how you do it plz stop! NO! NO! NO!

    ok.. using "wait" action is bad it should never be used, unless you are so pro that you could teach me something at map making. (lol I'm so pretencious.. don't worry I only act like that when I'm sure of what I'm saying)

    so.. to loop music, what you need is a death counter.. seriously.. It might take a bit more time to figure out how many death counters you need to perfectly loop it.. but once you get it.. you'll be sure that your music will loop perfectly even after 1 hour of gameplay.. and that's what you want don't you?

    here's what you do: (btw, ImaGiNe. you always forget to specify which player holds the trigger and IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!)

    Ok so this acts like a clock.. everytime the trigger runs, it will add a death counter.. and it counts them.. use an unit that you are sure won't be killed for this computer unit.. it's best if you use an unused computer unit.. but both works.. make sure you use an unused unit for your death count.. you can use those units that make the map crash you know??

    One more note: it is very important that the map has hyper triggers.. or else it won't work.. get another unused computer player to deal with hypers.

    Now this is the tricky part, make sure the X perfectly syncronise with your mp3.. I'm not too sure how many times a trigger can run a second, ImaGiNe, could you find that informatioN? how many death counts = 1 sec? anyway it's easy.. start with a number like 200... and see if theres a silence (then lower the death count) after your wav or if your wav loops too early and u hear 2 at the same time after a while.. then raise the needed death count.

    test the map until the loop is PERFECT (might take like 10-15 tests to have it super duper exactly perfect but once you are used to it.. it's very easy to do)

    once you got it... you have no more worries about this because that way of looping music is just insanely perfect as well.

    to PowerkickasS: by doing the trigger you just said, the human player CAN'T have any other trigger than the one you stated because the WAIT ACTION affects ALL THE TRIGGERS in that player's force.. so it will **** up the whole thing.. and I don't understand what ImaGiNe just said, the loop wouldnt be always played because you put a wait that stops the whole thing and when the wait is over, the trigger will rerun.. ohhh or.. maybe it would play like that because the wait is in the same trigger.. I know it would work the way he said if he puts a trigger like this right after the trigger that plays the wav (but like i said just now, it would just stop the whole thing for this human player):

    here goes the trigger that plays the wav
    here comes the trigger that simply as: always: wait X and preserve trigger

    and here are some more triggers that will only be launched after the wait X is done..

    ...and after they launch, the wav will play again (so yes there would be a delay after the wait X while the other triggers are running before the music starts again and it won't even loop perfectly.. lol that would be the noobest way to do it.. that's for sure.

    and that's also why you don't want to use wait triggers unless you are so pro that you can teach me..

    trust me.. wait triggers are what noobs are having trouble with and that's also why many noobs map maker i used to help, left map making.. they just couldn't deal with wait actions...

    here's a quick tutorial to how to make a map that will never bug and that will be very easy to finish without any problems: DO NOT FRIGGEN USE THE STUPID WAIT ACTION!

    ok just one more note: now I'm going to get like 7 minerals for that friggen huge post.. wtf is that piece of crap? I mean.. it's a friggen huge post that is going to help everyone who needs map making assistance and I'm friggen teaching you guys how to be a god of mapping.. so don't you think that deserves more than 7 stupid mineral (because that's the new cap, right??)

    ****ing shit.
  7. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Yeah, remember how badly the loop was after 30minutes + of playing.. after like 1.5 hours it wasn't even looping at all..

    You sure don't want your .wav to loop like that piece of friggen crap, so that's why you are going to read my friggen piece of 1 000 000 words just up there!
  8. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    ahh i had a feeling that may have been the case. ive never looped music before so o_O music = big dl = -.-

    @JBL whats wrong with using switches?
  9. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Oh wait wait.. there's something you didn't understand corectly..

    I'm not using death counters because I don't want to use switches..

    it's only because I don't want to use a wait action in my triggers.. because the wait action is what makes the map crappy (all the time)

    the only reason I didn't use a switch in my trigger is because I don't need it since the death counts will serve as both clock and switch..

    Death counts are by far the best thing in map making.. (2nd is move location)

    Lol i always start replying and then i go afk.. (3rd time today)

    anyway I don't have more to say..