Tutorial: Dropship Spell Cast System [StarCraft]

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Oct 28, 2009.

Tutorial: Dropship Spell Cast System [StarCraft]

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Oct 28, 2009.

  1. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

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    Have you played a custom StarCraft map that made use of Terran Dropships unloading certain units to cast spells or use items? Here's how to do it:

    - Applicable Players
    - Two locations on top of each other (same size; one for ground only [ GROUND ] elevation and one for air only [ AIR ] elevation)
    - One location [ ITEM LOCATION ] away from the other two
    - Dropship for each applicable player

    NOTE: Have these locations in a secluded area!

    In this sample trigger, we'll make the condition that the player has reached a certain custom score count. Once he reaches X amount of points, he will be given one Terran Medic (which will be used to heal all units when unloaded)
    Classic StarCraft Trigger Editor
    This creates the item in the item spawn location.

    Classic StarCraft Trigger Editor
    This loads the Terran Medic into the Dropship automatically and places the Dropship into the location where the spells will be cast (unloaded) from.

    Classic StarCraft Trigger Editor
    When you unload the Medic from the Dropship, the above trigger takes place by healing all units owned by the player and instantly reloads the medic.

    And there you have it... your basic Dropship Spell Cast system. You could see it in action in several RPG maps and KaBoom!.

    Still having problems trying to figure out how to change location elevations?

    REFERENCE: Location Properties
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009