Tutorial Name: Basic Lightning Effect Tutorial Author: ImaGiNe. Date Created: October 8th, 2007 Tutorial Difficulty: Easy/Beginner This is a very easy tutorial so there are no screens included. Seriously if you cannot follow this than something is terribly wrong. I made this tutorial using Adobe PhotoShop 7.0. Create a new document or open up a pre-made logo, then apply these simple steps: 1. Filter > Render > Clouds 2. Filter > Render > Difference Clouds 3. Image > Adjustments > Invert (CTRL+I) 4. Image > Adjustments > Levels (CTRL+L) 5. Move the middle pointer all the way to the right. Here is the finished result using the default Black/White colors:
Re: Basic Lightning Effect A tip: make sure the background and foreground colours are not the same. Also, if you don't like the colours in the end (which happens to me quite often) you can change the colours with a hue/saturation adjustment layer.
Re: Basic Lightning Effect hey... thats really kewl and your right, so easy haha man id love to be able to use photoshop n'all that really well aye, im hopeless with it all good on ya mate