Hey guys I've been working on getting all the best SC2 resources in one place, I think it could greatly benefit the community...I need help though Here is what I have so far, let me know what other links I should add to it! Thanks in advance! http://bit.ly/cYHgrz
Hmm...nice links out there but why not adding some commentators link for people to see the useful replays? I'll give you 3 links to commentators: Day[9]: http://day9tv.blip.tv/ HDStarcraft(Youtube channel): I can't quite post the link of his Youtube channel but you simply write HDStarcraft in Youtube Search and you get his wonderful channel. HuskyStarcraft(Youtube Channel): http://www.youtube.com/user/HuskyStarcraft DC
Thanks for the suggestions guys! Working on adding the changes right now, will post back when I'm done Update: Ok I added those suggestions from you guys, thanks so much! Keep them coming Its the same link btw
hey guys just a quick update...I added a couple more popular links but I think it still needs more to be a complete resource, check it out and let me know what links it still needs Same link as always, and remember to click "add this" to get all the updates automatically and also to see the wallpaper! Thanks!