I was recently trying to get my bots up and running so I could help my clan get a clan chan. Well I accidentally somehow got my IP banned by doing this. Can someone enlighten me how long these bans usually last?
Were you in our channel yesterday or the day before asking this? Clan emp. Sorry I don't know, I have never been banned from b.net.
No I was only in either op udclan or clan ussr. Trying to get our channel set up. I was told I could reset my router and it would go back to normal. I'm hoping theres another way. Unfortunately I don't have a static IP although right now I am wishing I did.
Ok, just keep this in mind when doing bots. 8 Connections MAX per IP, so careful how many you load. Also, make sure your bot is updated, bnetdev.net has plenty of up to date bots. I would suggest Mirage Chat/Bot cuase its easy to use. ANyways, bans can last anywhere for 3 hours, 3 days to 1 month. Let this be a lesson To reset it, disconnect for 24 hours after you do an ipconfig /release in the CMD prompt. Works every time