Just letting everone know that Trivia database was erased. ON ACCIDENT!!! among other things... Like my uber [E] Quote log!!!! Basicly this is the casualties of trying to troubleshoot and become flustered because what your troubleshooting makes no sense!! Im still very irritated over it, and stressed. I hate when i cant figure stupid shizz like this out. Maybe someone know... basicly i cant make a profile change on 1 wc3 account using my bot, but i can change it fine on sc/d2/ and another wc3 account using the same bot and same wc3 key... just not on the account i want... wtf?? bnet is so gay O and also.. you can!! see the profile on other bots... just not on client... now tell me whats up?
For bots, usually what i do is open up another exe and try it again. You can potentially IPban yourself reconnecting to many times. As for the second part, bnet IS gay.
no i know wat an ip ban and even a key suspend is.. but the problem isnt being able to log on. I even just had 2can and meth.. they cant see its profile on the client but can on their bots... wtf is that??? WTF!? I even changed bishban's profile to test and i changed np and see on clients.. its the one account
omggg i was like so close to cowonfire... but w/e.... as long as we dont do food category ever again ill pwn the bot back
ya i didnt realise that food has 2 questions.. i also found out simpsons has 1 question. Im leaving the category Blizzard for a mix of d2 warcraft and starcraft questions.. no objections
NOOOO idk d2 and very few of wc3 you geek btw server maintnence dropped a lot of ppl today no worries shadow your bots reconnected lol
there's more d2 questiosn than other blizzard games seriously =( oh and i met the guy who created dota.. not icefrog, he just developped the game, but the guy who first created it. his name was Eul and i thought he was lying but he's on wikipedia lol, i thought that was cool... that's pretty random but i was just thinknig about it cuz the trivia had dota questions too lol
Wats DOTA?? GG I still cant get a profile on the account Trifling that can be seen on client.... what the fcuk