Trigger help

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by joe_chewbacca, Jun 30, 2009.

Trigger help

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by joe_chewbacca, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. ok, so im making this map with the original SC Campaign Editor.

    i need help with 2 triggers...

    1. I need to make civilians walk around randomly... i just need them to walk aorund as if they were normal human beings. it would be great if they stopped and chilled at times... like... wlak aorund for 10 seconds, then stop for 5. And i need this trigger to stay... as more civs will be added.

    2. I need a way to turn lights on and off in CERTAIN AREAS. Ok... so say the map is devided into a left side and a right side... i need to trigger something to turn lights off in the left side. Also, this isnt a normal turn off... its jsut fog of war. If a unit goes there, it should still see things around it... also, the lights WILL NOT go back on during the remainder of the game.
    It would be e3asy if it let you kill "Map Revealers", but it doesnt... unless im mistaken.

    Ty in advance
  2. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    It doesn't let you kill map revealers - but it does let you "remove" them, which should do the trick.

    As for the walking, the best you can probably achieve is creating locations, issuing a few move commands, pausing, moving back to the original location, and preserving the trigger. You'd have to create a trigger for each civilian you'd want to walk around - a little tedious but gets the job done.

    Welcome to the forums, by the way!
  3. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    if youre using an advanced editor like xtra-edit, you can use an AI script called "junkyard dog" for the civs
  4. Alasdair

    Alasdair New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    For the humans walking around, I think an easy solution would be to change the model of a sheep or something. That way it'll count as a critter (and thus move around randomly) but still look like the human.
  5. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Using the original StarCraft Campaign Editor will prove to be quite limited for what you want accomplished joe_chewbacca. I recommend installing at least StarCraft X-Tra Editor to enable you to use more advanced (and less troublesome) triggers that are otherwise missing from the Campaign Editor. Now back to the matter;

    1. ninerman13 touched up on the move triggers while using the Campaign Editor, a tedious task indeed and too many locations will be used as you plan to increase the number of civilians walking around. I do not think you would like to make 100+ locations just for moving civilians nor would you want to bother with the time. Now Ursawarrior mentioned about an AI Script called "Junkyard Dog" that is only included in the special third-party editors (Not really, you could probably find the junkyard script trigger floating around on the net to be imported into your map.) That script commands all units that the trigger is placed under to roam around randomly, they do stop occassionally but continue to move unless blocked or attacked.

    The trigger actions and conditions would be like so:
    This script can be run multiple times at differing locations.

    2. Also ninerman13 mentioned that map revealers cannot be killed. They cannot be as StarCraft doesn't let you kill or remove specific Map Revealers with the "Remove Units at Location" command; you can only remove all the map revealers on the map at once. Since you would like to use Fog of War instead of actually sharing vision (a script in advanced editors) you could create multiple locations over areas that you don't want to remove map revealers and simply recreate map revealers in the spots you choose. It would require some trigger work but it can be done.

    Another method that can give you the same result without using map revealers requires that you implement something known as "Hyper Triggers". In place of map revealers, you could create Zerg Scourge in locations of your choice and instantly remove them. They will provide vision but will disappear faster than you would notice that they were there.

    3. He is not using any modding program my friend! :p
  6. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Starcraft map editors are highly limited compared to the WC3 map editor. Thinks like changing models are not possible within the map editors. ...technically they aren't even models, just sprites... Anyhow, this kind of work can only be done with Modding, which is changing the actual game code/media/etc. Technically, Warcraft 3 maps are actually mods.