Tournaments and Sponsorship and Hello

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Wroe, Jul 20, 2010.

Tournaments and Sponsorship and Hello

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Wroe, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Wroe

    Wroe Guest

    Hey guys Wroe here, just new to the forums. Beta phase two is finished only a week left for release. I'm sure the rest of you are as excited as I am. I definitely didnt get enough during the beta!

    Just want to give a virtual high five to HD Starcraft and Husky for keeping me entertained with the youtube video commentaries. Saved me during my week long business trip to LA with only a netbook during phase two.

    I also wanted to throw out there that I played the original Starcraft relentlessly when I was in highschool when it came out. We stayed up like three nights a week playing. I remember tons of times where the bus would drive past my house and I'd still be playing from the night before (good thing it made a loop and I could still catch it).

    Since it was such an epic time in my life, I am so hyped about Starcraft 2. I also own my own business now and would love to get involved with the community that supports the game and its gamers here in California. I am a Farmers Insurance Agent, I deal with insurance on Life/Auto/Home/Motorcycle/Mobile Home/Renters/Commercial/Workers Comp/Annuities etc.

    I'm not sure who I need to contact about sponsoring a tournament or something like that, but I think that'd be really cool. So if you guys have info on that totally let me know or connect me with someone I can talk with about it. ~Wroe~
  2. DarkCommander

    DarkCommander New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Oh good starcraft days. I played starcraft 1 Since I was a 6 years old kid. I remember playing with my cousin for all day long. Starcraft 2 willl be epic. Since 8 Years almost I play stacraft 1. 8 years full of nice MP/Single player/Campagne.