Hey guys, I'm a very competitive gamer in every game I play, I play and practice until I am usually a top or very high tier player. Recently Starcraft has peeked my interest, I was wondering, if I am willing to put several hours daily into practicing the game in a serious manner, is it too late for me to jump in and become a competitive player? I have no previous SC experience, and I'm worried that I'll never be able to catch up, even with the right amount of work. Any opinions?
You'll be fine bro. Just hop in. Most people can only get so good to begin with so if you are a good gamer chances are you can catch up quick and pass most of them. I doubt you'll be the next Korean allstar but I'm sure you could get to the high ranks if you tried hard enough. No doubt about that bro.
If you have any experience with rts's you shouldn't have a problem with SC2. SC2 isn't as hard as most people make out if you're the kinda guy who always comes first in other games even if they are fps you'll quickly get over the different focus of effort and do fine. Read alot, try everything and don't assume your new and will therefore suck. SC2 hasn't even been out that long
I find that asking as many questions as possible however stupid they might seem get you the answers you are looking for, the problem with starcraft 2 at the moment is you can have 4 or more different answers to the same question and sometimes they are all viable. It is about practice and playing!! Have fun and good luck!
Random thought: A buddy of mine regrets not taking all of his placement matches seriously so now hes stuck working his way through bronze. Point is, if you want easy opponents, lose all your placement matches, if you actually want to be challanged, give it all you got.
Well if hes never played SC better to not do the placement matches until he knows what he's doing especially if he's practicing alot and thus improving quickly.
Is it just me... Or does Ste just randomly throw in advice even if it doesn't pertain to the actual thread? xD I've seen him a few times just throwing out random tips and can't find anyone who spoke about or asked about what he says. lol
I don't think you can be ever too late to start, the last 2 patches, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 significantly changed many aspects of the game.