Consider yourself lucky =P and slightly unlucky c'mon meee, it wasnt that bad the first time D: eh...yeah, this whole discussion is creepy
ha..ha...ha ^ ^ but thats not creepy. ITS FREAKING AMAZING XD its like, JBL- creepy. Light- smexy ^ ^ but its creepy that you couldnt see that its a girl D:
...Evil Dead and Army of Darkness were hilarious. And filled with more moments to make you jump than a room full of spring-snake cans of peanuts.
Hail the king baby. You know.. It really sucks for me. I tend to see people's Avatars as a projection of themselves. So now, I imagine I'll stumble upon Bruce Campbell at school tomorrow. Or, even worse, I now picture Light as a young, sexy, blonde female. God help me. Also: Five Minerals that I could pass up The Major on the creepiness/scary/disturbing scale.
I still don't remember it... And yeah, I thought Light's avy was of a dude as well, but yeah. It's anime.