*ijffdrie looks constipated* *ijffdrie's eyes start to glow red* *Large black wings sprout from his back and you can hear a high-pitched laughter spreading through the air* I have been busy lately. Brought down Yggdrasil, planned to usurp the throne angelum, that kinda thing. Also raided various minor clans on Clonoia so I could steal their vessels (got 7 V-cruisers and 4 carrier ships, although most are lightly damaged, and I am still 30 fighters short of full complements). Recruiting and training a crew now. Fleet won't really stand a chance during bigger battles, but it's nice to have some support. Also, apparently I got a bit milder. Might be due to the whole one-man army corruption disruption thing, but it's kinda fun. Doubt it will last long though. So please join the fleet while it still has a health plan, or I will force you when my old mood returns