When you have a big army with some medivacs for support, is there any easy way to keep them in the back? I've been controlling them sloppily and half the time they fly out ahead of everyone else and get destroyed before the ground units catch up. It would be nice if you could move a big group of units all at the same speed, ie the group would move as fast as the slowest units.
I always just use the follow command to get the medivacs to follow the units in my main army, that way they stay behind the infantry but close enough to heal. Make sure you still have them hotkeyed though and be ready to move them if the follow command puts them in a bad position like if you have to retreat you don't want them waiting to run away.
Follow is good, but what i do is just control group the medivacs and micro them because really, once the battle gets going (siege tanks set/banshees cloaked(sometimes)/stimpacks used/units positioned) they are the unit i like to control if theres no imminent danger. It keeps them out of trouble and sort of helps me direct the heals a little bit
I'm sure most players have this problem, since it affects every unit that doesn't have an attack. Far too many times has my attack been thwarted by dark templar because the observers I had with my army decided to obey my "attack-move" command literally and suicide themselves into photon cannons. The best thing you can do is to group up all such non-combat units into one control group (I use ctrl-3) and just remember to select those and keep them held back every time you decide to attack or move your main army. It's just the move command, or right clicking your own unit.
use "attack" to have a medivac attack a unit in the back of the formation. Then have the ground units all on a hotkey, and only use the hotkey to move the army. The medivacs will follow that guy in the back and heal anything in range.