Hey guys. I've had Starcraft 2 since it came out and I used to be more into it than I am now. After watching streams and MLG and stuff I want to get back into it properly. I'm having problems with generally getting a solid force up and going quickly and knowing when to expand and when to build what.. I used to play Zerg mainly so I'll probably stick with those for now, although I would like to learn Protoss. Does anyone have any tips for someone like me that generally could use some help at improving, timing and management? Thanks. -DreadAlert
Depending on in what league you play various strategies are valid. I mean if you are in bronze league you can face all kinds of ridiculous crap. For the more common leagues, like gold and further, you can watch day9 tv on youtube. He has a couple of video's in which he explains how to make solid openers. I dont know if he has them for all setups but he has a couple. Since you used to play zerg alot, try to be one expansion a head of your enemy, thats simply the basic. And protoss... that really depands on what you are facing. If you are vs zerg its sometimes better to rush m since swarm hosts will simply own your ground and infestors and hydra's will own all your air. Make use of upgraded zealot attacks. Some say if you can get into a late game with protoss vs terran, protoss should have the upperhand cause of all the aoe you can have. Given you are on par with the upgrades and build the right counters etc. Concerning expanding, that really depands on how the game flows and what you decided at the start.