Time to buy Blizzcon tickets......

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by McStupid, Jun 2, 2010.

Time to buy Blizzcon tickets......

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by McStupid, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. McStupid

    McStupid Guest

    Time for the first of 2 attempts to buy Blizzcon tickets.

    Can you visualize it? All across the country and in some other countries too, a bunch of Blizzard gamer geeks are breathing heavy, hearts racing, staring intently at their computer monitors, clicking Refresh like mad, getting ready for the mad surge at 7 pm Pacific time tonight, for the chance to get a good spot in the queue for their Blizzcon tickets.

    I'm doing it too.:D

    But if I don't get one, I'm going to break into Blizzcon this year. I live only 50 miles away. More on that topic if I don't get a ticket.
    ijffdrie likes this.
  2. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    ive got some :D
  3. McStupid

    McStupid Guest

    I was unsuccessful last year, but I was more prepared this year. I had my main PC and my HP laptop both on the Blizzcon ticket purchase page, refreshing both computers the entire last 10 minutes before 7:00 pm Pacific Time. I was doing a good 100+ refreshes a minute between both computers.

    I'd been refreshing my laptop intermittently for the last hour of the waiting time, in case Blizzard brought the ticket sales online for a minute or 2 before the start time, like they did last year.

    6:58... 6:59... 7:00! My main PC got in the queue about 3 seconds after I saw the Checkout icon come up, and I was #2279 in line. I got the laptop in the queue about 10 seconds later, and it was at #15,500, no chance at all of getting a ticket.

    By the time I got to the front of the queue, only 49% of the stock remained, and the laptop was down to around 11,800 when the Sold Out notice went up.

    I'm happy I got a ticket, but also kind of disappointed. If I didn't get a ticket, I had plans made to find a way to sneak into Blizzcon this year. Bribing guards, claiming I'm from a temp agency and supposed to be working here today, etc. I had several plans of attack all prepared. I was going to post a complete topic here on breaking blizzcon and getting in. Won't need to now.

    I don't like the word ticket. Ticket. TICK..et. It implies that I need someones' high and mighty permission to attend an event. This is ME we're talking about here!
  4. McStupid

    McStupid Guest

    I forgot to mention that right after I got my ticket, I danced around my room singing "cause I got a blizzcon ticket...." (The wily wonka song). And I was completely naked at the time also.:D