So apperently, LS is gone, and PortSniper is now Honor[cL] WTF? He still has all of his members, he just created a different channel with different name. -.- And again, we were threatend by him to be flooded with 1K bots every night. WE EAT THOSE ALIVE! Please, If anyone threatens the clan, please tell them to take a number from now on. Im seriously sick of threats -.-
Some Xeno kid came into the channel and was bragging how reps banned clan hs and clan ls as a channel. And im like dude.. that was only epic for Warez and for warring reasons back in the day. He like, "w3 fL00D3][) O|P \/\/@|2 Y3$t3|2D@Y & G0T |3@NN3D" <ofcourse thats how i saw it cause he was so uber><pun>. Good accomplishment, especially since Denial does not flood back.. or wait.. nobody floods back so its obviously A WIN!!!!! You load them, they knowingly do not load back, you dropped their 1 Operator in 2 days time... hey guys.. PARTAY, our channel was nerfed cause we were epicly strong during our raid of clan's. OMG Sir, Stop right there! Are you Xeno!? from LS? I WANT JOO AUTOMUGRAFF Cause JoO Pours are just dripping with uberness. Right in and around your acne(no offense cause its hawt nerd acne) can you tell im trolling? can you? they wont even see this so there is no way for them to reply back so.. I WIN!!! <see wut i did there?>
Please Dean is just a desperate homo for attention who has said he has quit like 10 times? Who gives a ****, kid sucks at life.