Its short but the implications are wonderous. Ever since THQ bought Relic the Homeworld franchise was in jepordy since Sierra and by extension Vivendi, a competetor of THQ owned rights to Homeworld and so getting another game made would have been impossible. Now that the liscense is in the hands of the makers we might see HW3. With the lack of comments I suspect they are already in the draft stage deciding what they want to do with the game. I may be a bit optimistic right now since HW2 was one of the best RTSs of all time on par with SC but they did not say they aren't making it. /REJOYCE YAY!!!
Very nice! I hope they make the new Homeworld as crazy fun as Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm were! Homeworld 2 was a bit of a let down, but that's mainly because they cut down on so much of the strategy. Still, that's easy to fix. Good find, btw.
I liked HW2. The modular aspect of the ships was nice. Of course having fighter formatins with more than 5 members is nice. It would have been nice to combine multimple squadrons into groups to make claws with 10 or 15 fighters. Even with the lack of formations I liked the squadrons idea because it made handling fighters less of pain in the ass since each unit was already a group.
I just hope the find a way to make navigating and ordering ships in a 3D space less awkward... somehow.
The problem with that is that you are trying to control 3 dimentions of movement when your controls only have 2. There really isn't much more they can do. I thought they did a pretty good sob of it though it would be nice and more natural if the ships would rotate 360 degrees instead of being limited to 10 degrees of elevation
Yeah, that's why I said "...somehow", I was expressing doubt. That particular limitation is pretty fundamental. At any rate, I am of the school of thought that believes that just about everything you can do in 3D, you can do in 2D. As cool as 3D movement is, it doesn't really contribute much to gameplay. It opens up more directions to attack or be attacked from... that's about it.
Hopefully THQ won't spend too much time on Homeworld, because they need to do better on the WWE games. Anyway, good for them.
This sounds pretty good. Maybe something good will come out of this and the Homeworld franchise will get a new chapter. But I guess Homeworld isn't the most important game relic is responsible for, the reason they bought Relic was probably because of the Company of Heroes and Warhammer series. They made much more profit on those, even while Homeworld was the better game of those three. But to go with this discussion thingy about the 3D movement: that was the one thing I didn't like when playing Homeworld. Trying to maneuver your ships in the right position took to much time and really slowed down the gameplay. The slowness of most of the ships didn't really contribute to this either... But the warping made up for this, I will never forget the first time I made four battlecruisers + support pop up at the "base" of the enemy while playing online. 8)
The first one wasn't meant to be faced pace. Thats why fighters required frigates to refuel them, and why capital ships could retreat in an instant if needed. Speeding the game up would dumb it down, and is agruably why homeworld 2 felt so mediocre. So their kinda stuck.
I generally just leave the frigate sized ships and up in the same plane they were manufactured in and move the strikecraft up and down since they are the only things fast enough to actually do that in under a day
Moving up and down may have taken a while, but it was almost always worth it. Ships are genearlly weakest at the top and bottom, so if you attack from both at once, no matter which one they turn to face, they'll still take fairly heavy casualties. Besides, if your in single player you can speed it up.