First, let me start this off by saying that I'm not trolling/promoting MicroStarcraft2's videos. I do think they're pretty great though haha Here's the build: Essentially, it boils down to this: 9 Rax 10 Supply 11 Rax 13 Rax 16 Supply Push out with 5 Marines +3 SCV - 3 Rax rallyed to marines and constant reinforcements. In the two replays shown, he gets some pretty serious results in the platinum league, winning a purported "4 out of 5 games", and a person in the comments claimed 7 in 1 success with this strategy. Another person in the comments claimed that this build is slightly faster: 9 rax 10 supply 10 rax 12 rax 16 supply ...where the second barracks starts building before the first finishes. *breathes* OK, so the big question here is: What are your thoughts? I've been looking this build over and I'm really intrigued by it, since I love playing Terran but I absolutely HATE ridiculously long TvT games with tons and tons of macro, sniping bases, etc... This seems like the build for me. If it makes me an asshole that people rage quit on, then so be it. What I'd like to know is if anyone here has found a better or faster way to do this build, keeping in mind it's all-in nature. Thanks in advance, guys. Edit: Also, keep in mind that this is probably restricted to short-distance maps. 4 player maps are probably a no-no
re: I have been playing this build forever now. the thing is when your opponent know what they are doing...especially on steps of war all they have to do is to build a bunker at the choke..and it will be very difficult for your to bring it down especially when he brings scvs to help in anticipation of an early attack. I have had some wins against an early bunkering terran but bunkers are the only thing you need to worry about for this build. so how do you stop the enemy from building a bunker early? to can't let them know you have 3 barraxs up ----- so how do you do that? you have 3 choices #1 fast marines deny enemy scout #2 fast wall off with 2 supply and 1 rax...this will slow your production down #3 1 rax in base and 2 more proxied you can even fly one up to get better view over enemy clif for very good results bring 3-4 scvs to tank some damage... works the wonders for me remember just like any cheese....if this is are not very likely to win
I've actually been trying this out, and I can beat a PC up to Very Hard (Insane lives up to its name once again), and you're absolutely right---when there's a bunker involved, quite a few problems pop up. Another interesting development: This works against quite a few zerg builds. In fact, I've had success with anything except early lings.