Thought of two tweaks to the Marauder and Medivac

Discussion in 'Terran' started by mutantmagnet, Jul 12, 2008.

Thought of two tweaks to the Marauder and Medivac

Discussion in 'Terran' started by mutantmagnet, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. mutantmagnet

    mutantmagnet New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Currently the Marauder works pretty well at slowing down ground units but once they get speed upgrades the only thing worth slowing down are ultralisks.

    So I think they should get a new upgrade that becomes available in the armory that gives them access to a more powerful grenade that knocks units back in addition to slowing them down. I think that with this effect not only do marauders continue to work well with marines but now siege tanks as well.

    Microed maruaders can push back units in such a manner that the tanks even in tank mode could hit them while they can't hit the tanks back until they get back into their 6 range.

    Marauders might even work well as escorts for Jackals by pushing away units that would kill jackals too quickly such as the collusus making the comb a worth while macro team.

    The Medivac is pretty cool so far, I just think it needs some more functionality.

    The first thing is to give it a passive ability to tether units in its cargohold. When units are tethered they can exit and reenter the dropship simulataneously. The drawback is that by tethering the units the are considered to be a single unit and move as quickly as the slowest unit. Also these units can only move so far away from each other indivudally because they are still attached to the dropship physically.

    The second thing is to allow load up into dropship as a queueable command for the waypoint system when done with tethered units. That way Terrans can more effectively macro drop tactics making them more differentiable from Protoss and zerg. Also by making load up queueable siegetanks should be able to unsiege automatically so they can laod up with the rest of the units in the medivac. Aside from that sieging and unsieging should remain a micro affair.

    The command to tie units to a dropship should be based on a cooldown and nothing else.
  2. Hadean

    Hadean New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    Marauder's slowdown is likely imba as it is. Adding a knockback feature makes them utterly imba. All you would need would be around 24-36 marauders standing in 3 rows of 12 at your base's front door. And nothing with a smaller range could enter. It would be impossible.

    Also a Marauder being able to knockback a Collossus is pretty damn stupid. As well as Ultras, Siege Tanks, Lurkers. Etc etc.
  3. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Medivac I haven't heard too much about but I'm sure it's fine right now.

    And all Marauders I think need are AoE grenades with the momentary stun.
  4. mutantmagnet

    mutantmagnet New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    People have been suggesting aoe slows in the past and Blizzard is resistant to that idea.

    I'm sure Medivacs are fine in general but since the Zerg are getting an improved Nydus canal and the Toss are getting warp in options I think the Terrans could use getting something new and different for tansport. Healing dropships isn't really something that makes their drops all the more interesting.
  5. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Are you aware that 24-36 is a huge number for a unit like that? That the unit doesn't have incredible range? That the incoming units would be dead from the actual attacks long before the knockback?

    From everything I have heard from people that have actually played the game, Terran infantry does just fine without an infantry Medic, just fine without a buffed Marauder. I am not saying it wouldn't be an interesting ability to have, but there is certainly no hole that needs to be filled in this area.
  6. Juggernaught131

    Juggernaught131 New Member

    Apr 2, 2008
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    i dont like the idea with the medivac, but i love the idea of a cuncussive grenade, that instead of causing damage flings the enemy back. THey could make it so that zerglings go far back, while ultralisks maybe only take one step back
  7. Hadean

    Hadean New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    Neon. Marauders have the same range as a marine, or slightly better IIRC. There are few units with a similar range from the opposing races and even from the terrans except for other marauders. 24 is not alot. You have 40+ workers in a game if you're not a retard, and i personally have a huge contingent of marines, meds and sieges. 24 marauders in place of those marines would be imba if they had knockback. You can't say it wouldn't be.
  8. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Medivac is perfect as you have a very mobile sturdy duo purpose unit at your disposal and by turning it like that!? hmm i wouldnt say its bad but its not really that good either so rather leave them,.,, The thing I just want to change with the marauders is the name for its weapon or perhaps even the total weapon itself... why not change it into something that specifically only targets a unit therefore people wouldnt bother of questioning how come grenades dont do splash damage... (well because they want to lessen terrans massiveness in fire power)

    One thing I have in mind though is have you guys ever wondered of how would it turn out if the medic was stil in the infantry lines? (i would be sad of seeing my chick fell down from the hands of the alien scum or worst if even from the same race as me so....)

    Anyway, what they have changed positions?? (medic & marauder)
    Maraudropper?? -- lobs sticky goos on splash effect with its "Sticky cannon" lol... its quite weird eh? but it wouldnt be that bad as well coz u have the medic for early and stickyman for later...

    But as a nurse myself I would say that the medivac idea is still better coz the best cure of all is 1st prevention 2nd is just Therapy and last is Retreat...
    The best way to prevent damage is by immunizing yourself from harm and to do that your gonna have to take advantage of the marauders ability to prevent incoming melee from raping your ass, and just 2nd comes the medical field to help the wounded personnels to mend back to their former health.. last is just to retreat and fight another day if you know that you couldnt do anything about it...

    TRIVIA: Ever wondered what do medics heal from SCBW? is it mending mechanical parts? (makes her a mechanic) or is it a very advanced medical treatment that stabilizes or enhances ones potential?
  9. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    all i want is the medic back because it seems dumb for a human-based race not to have it.

    i propose that the medic is for early game as the medivac version is for late-games, and that in late game a player can load medics into a medivac and the ship would be able to heal multiple units. say a maximum of 3 medics per ship??

    this would help with the macro..just my idea

    does anyone like this idea besides me?
  10. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
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    In the Woods...
    Meh, from what I've heard, Terran infantry fares just fine without the medic.