Not moaning or *****ing about a unit being overpowered just wondering what counters this because i've used it a lot when playing terran but never know what to do when im up against it, also i play random so il need to know what to do with each race, thanks for any1 replys
immortals for protoss, and you have to just have a lot more **** as zerg, preferably ultras, lings, and mutas. Look up the magic box on youtube for how to micro your mutas vs thors.
Thanks il try the zerh strategy but the immortal one i've tried and it didn't work because of marines backing the thors up :S
You'll want to have brood lords and roaches, throw in a couple ultras if you can afford them. They soak up a lot of damage (with upgrades) and the cleave they have on the marines is really good. Infestors with fungal growth on MM balls also are sweeeeeet, and if you can manage to mind control a couple thors, that's going to tip the balance in your favor as well. Oh and if you use roaches: get the tunneling upgrade. Like, as soon as you can. Popping up right around such a ball of units of MM + thors is crucial, otherwise you'll get half your units focus fired down before you can even get close. If you really want to try something fun: burrowed banelings at choke points on the map. When his army walks over it, detonate and watch the fun. Just make sure to burrow a couple of zerglings ahead of these "mine fiels" to check if he has any ravens with him. If your lings die, he has some, so quickly unburrow your banes and tell them to get out of there, because on their own they're not going to do much. ^^
bull****! thors missiles do small splash damage and can easily own mutas and rays! if not the thors wont be the unit of choice for many
Haha i was just about to say that, if your trying mass muta's vs, thors/marines and you don't know about the magic box then your pretty much screwed