i nao have 10k mins i can finally buy the "disable modship of pictures" item thinggy... now... can anybody make me reconsider?....
Honestly, I haven't the faintest idea, seeing as how the limit of what's allowable in an avi is set by the site admin, but so are the rules. Idk man. Maybe in a forum where NSFW contest is allowed, but you don't want every new puke to have a set of Bouncin Berthas as their avatar, if you catch my drift.
i always thought that if i buy that, im excluded from the rules of posting pics and immune to bans pic-related
Hmmm Just for fun. Use it, bypass the moderatorship. I won't ban you. We'll see how long it takes someone else.
*Lord Kerwyn arms the ban-cannon...* EDIT: Just to add to my comment, I think what that does is bypass the stage where you need to get a moderator to approve your picture so it can be seen publicly. Since everyone has that permission anyways I think this item along with several other permission based items are currently redundant, but you would have to ask Jon to be 100% certain what that item means. Also, even though this is obviously a joke any bannable offense committed by a member supercedes just about every permission level there is on this site unless you get permission to do whatever the offense is directly from Jon or Sc2 and then one of them tells the rest of the mods not to ban you on site.
If your going to add to your comment, spelling anf grammar are your best friends. Grammar Nazi away! Anywho, you should save up for the profile music, I hear ppl like BoP love those.