3:30ish to 6:21 AM sucks. A) Can't get to sleep. B) Can't go to sleep until 9:00 PM or around there because I'll mess up my day/night cycle. C) Want to draw stuff in Paint but quite indecisive at the moment. D) There was like 4 people on a few minutes ago but now I think I'm the only one on. D:
It's summer. I have a month and a half before high school. ...I could. Also, civilization on the forums! Woo!
A month and a half!!! Lucky you. I only have about 3 left untill im out of school And when i do.... Night = Day & Day = Night
Actually it pretty much switched for me last year. Up till 8 AM then asleep until 6 - 7 PM. My parents got pissed as hell at me though.
Your lucky you don't have all the problems I do with sleep, due to my current medical condition and all the medication I have to take.