This place dies more often than most of Spider-man's relationships. Too soon? This place dies more often than Jean grey! Overused and inaccurate? This place dies more often than Xorn starts making less sense.
I was gonna ask who Xorn is but I googled it and realised that I'm not really interrested in a more in-depth explanation I also didn't know how often jean gray dies. At least I know about spiderman's relationships
Xorn is basically a large numbers of writers arguing whether or not Magneto has been redeemed into a hero. They do this arguing in-comic though, leading to the story where the Magneto turned good is being impersonated by Xorn, who is being impersonated by Magneto, who has being impersonated by Xorn, who is being impersonated by not-xorn(EXACTLY ALIKE!!!), who is being impersonated by Magneto. Jean Grey, the mutant who is somehow a representation of all life in the universe, even though her daughter also is, has actually only died three times, which isn't that often for a comic character(not kidding), especially compared to some of the lamer villains, where no one keeps track whether they were killed before shoving them into a panel. Punisher probably killed some villains three or four times under different writers. And Spidey is just plain down on his luck. Or dealing with Mephisto. The mephisto thing actually gets stupider over time, as now the editor revealed in an interview that the deal that erased spider-man's mind was undone because Mary Jane worded the contract with Mephisto thus that it would also destroy Mephisto, cancelling all deals. Even though Peter Parker still doesn't remember anything. And Aunt May is still alive. Comics are fun, but sometimes just a tad ridiculous. And way too many problems come from writers pushing forth their own views of the characters, instead of trying to create a story that actually fits the development of the character, while editors try to change back the characters to when they liked them best and the marketing department demands more crossovers which don't make sense. Also, Wolverine defeats Satan, who is than killed by Wolverine's brother. Lord of all evil killed by two smelly canadians with claws.
*IJffdrie arguably takes stuff to seriously. He just likes the concept of the universe too much and feels like he could do better as an editor or writer in many cases. In rarer cases, he thinks he could do better artwork. * *cough*whatifwolverinefatherdeargodwhydoesloganlooklikethehulk*cough*
Thanks for the info Ijffdrie! It was actually way more interresting than I thought it would be(since I'm not a comic reader, though I've read some here and there in the past - I'm a huge fan of Asterix but other than that pretty meh )... Anyway, there's a book I have in PDF format that I think you might like. It's titled "The Physics of Superheroes" and talks about comics from a physics perspective, check the following youtube video about how it's like: It's like 17MB though and I'm trying to convert it to djvu and then zip it in case I manage to make it smaller than 2MB and upload it here, but if you're interrested and I don't manage to shrink it enough, PM me with a mail adress to send you a copy Edit: Also :laugh:
I didn't feel my sphincters. I was playing pool fearing I could wet myself any minute. Everything got louder and aiming became extremely difficult. 1 more