I know there is a lot of things we all miss from starcraft 1 that isn't in starcraft 2. Was just curious to see what are some of the major things you really miss from sc1 that was not implemented into sc2. I seriously miss the sexy valkyrie voice lol
Agree with sexy valkerie voice >=D lets see.... playing around with DA... pwning things hard with archons... arbiters. (kinda). goliaths... wraiths... irradiate... nukes... lurkers... hydras... sunken/spore colonies... zergling sprites... mutas... dark swarm...
Hmm.... these are things you wish were in SC2? Nukes are still around, they're building-busters more than mech-busters. Hydras are around, but are mid-game Sunken/spore colonies...are they really that different from Spine crawlers and spore crawlers? Mutalisks are really popular when combined with zerglings. I miss the assumption that all races are balanced, which was well established in SC1 but isn't agreed to by everyone with SC2. I kinda miss protoss reavers. They could use more ways to bust down a wall.
I miss having to take a good hard look at my screen to discern what it was that was attacking me I also miss chat rooms... imissthemsomuch...
Crazy 3v3 BGH games with friends/clanmates against randoms and the crazy stuff we got to employ (and massive battles). Nexus blocking ftw (basically using Nexus's the same way you might use forcefield to cut off ally support lol). I need a new clan or some friends that play SC2 I guess. F'n WoW. And game consoles.
Let's see, what do I miss... - The old sound effect of Zerglings attacking. - Dark Swarm - lack of map moderation (now I'll never see the SC2 version of Pregnant Defense ) - public chat channels and of course: - LAN - Cross Region play
Yah I really miss all those zerg sound effects. That slapping noise the zerglings does now is not nearly as cool as that thud it used to do. Also miss the mutalisks constant screaming, now they barely scream.