Things we don't like in Starcraft2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by AlexBlaze, Jun 4, 2008.

Things we don't like in Starcraft2

  1. AlexBlaze

    AlexBlaze New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Ok.. first, i wanna say i start this thread because i think SC2 is not perfect at the moment (talking 'bout graphics) and that we should post our oppinions here and see maybe what Blizzard should do to make SC2 what it must become.. the best game ever.

    I'm not talking here about balance or other sort of things, only the visual part, the gfx. For start, i think SC2 looks too much like it's a WC III in space, and it doesn't fit it, units are too bulky.. remeber how nice were the marines, the slim zerglings, the zealots or the ghosts in SC.. all terran infantry had different suit colours, so that you could easily find what u need in a mass of units.

    The zealots in SC2 look like ninjas runing like crazy and the DT also doesn't look like a Protoss Dark Templar, i think the DT looks like the demon hunter in WC3.. it would have looked way better with maybe 2 daggers in the place of the staff, and more for the zerg.. the lurker looked like a cabage (they said they changed it, so maybe it looks better) and the Infester is really really crappy..

    This are some of the things i dislike about SC2 gfx, but this doesn't mean i won't buy the game if they chose not to change them.. post ur oppinions here. Cheers;)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  2. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I always wanted a gay unit... like the sci. vessel and now its gone!
  3. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    First of all. Fix your post please it seems very messy.

    I don't think Sc2 looks like Warcraft at all.

    Units are hard to find when clustered, especially Zerglings and Terran units with a Thor.

    I don't mind the Dark Templar's weapon, its model obviously hasn't been refined so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Right now gameplay is more important than all visuals.

    I dislike the Thor, needs to return to its first self being SCV built, large amount of hitpoints, slow, added anti-air.

    Oh and why doesn't anyone show appriciation for Blizzard's hard work and make a thread on the things we do like.
    The Nydus Worm has also become redundant as it losts its cloak effect.

    The other problems will be ironed out such as visuals so I ain't too worried about those.
  4. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    They will rework those arts , don't worry. Searh for the Starcraft Alpha Phase and you will see the differences they can come up with.

    Even Blizzard can make the Infestor awsome, we just know they will.
  5. LanceLeader

    LanceLeader New Member

    May 29, 2008
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    I too want to see the Thor returned to its original self. The Terrans need a big menacing unit. The seige tank is great but not enough IMO. Besides the Battlecruiser, The Thor proves that the Terran's have the guts to develop a formidable vehicle of their own.
  6. CyberPitz

    CyberPitz New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
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  7. I'm one of the few people who have very little to complain about as far as StarCraft 2's graphics. I'll admit I love them, and the art style. The only thing I'm slightly disappointed in is the overall appearance of the Zerg (For reasons, I'm sure have been mentioned in this forum before, so I won't repeat them.), but the Protoss look superb, and the Terran look great, to me, too.

    As far as it looking like WarCraft III, I can only agree when the game is zoomed in a bit and at an angle. It seems the proportions of the buildings/units just aren't right which was a problem for me in WarCraft III.
  8. Yamato_Cannon

    Yamato_Cannon New Member

    May 5, 2008
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    I dislike these 'new' hero units that blizzard has steadily been introducing over the past few months. In starcraft, every unit had a set role, but could still be interchangeable with a different one when the time came. What they are doing with the queen and ghost is the direct opposite. Rather than making the units useful only some of the time, blizzard is basically forcing players to build these units, since players who don't will now lose without the abilities they provide.

    Another thing I'm disappointed with is the current thor. The original idea was definately a good one, but as time progressed blizzard started to strip away the things that made it shine and turned it into a mediocre super-unit. Although its role does overlap the tanks', it was still better to have a slow walking, powerful thor, rather than a buffed up goliath that barely deals any damage.

    Overall, the protoss and zerg are looking great, but the terran faction is definately lacking. Hope to see some improvements soon!
  9. NSter

    NSter New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Make it 2d.
  10. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I don't think it looks to WC3 at all. Well most of the units at least. If you watch the game play videos, or read comments of people who HAVE played it, the game actually looks and feels starcafty (sp?). However, I do agree with the lurker and zealot. The zealot yes should be slick and agile as blizzard wanted, but they also have a barbaric side to them too which blizzard has not portrayed. The lurker, oh my... that model just needs to die and just copy the artwork. The infestor, ugh... I also miss my medics, the medivac drop shop just makes me feel weird.
  11. me555

    me555 New Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    I actually think the SC2 graphics is much more better and less cartoonish compared to WC3.

    The zealots i agree are terrible, i hate how they swing their arms when they attack. Zealots dont slice, they supposed to do rapid thrusts with their Psi blades.

    The hydralisk attack animation ( even though it isn't complete) looks funny, how they look like they're swimming. Btw, is their needles green or did they change it to grey. I just had the feeling it was grey when i watched it on the official site...
  12. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    In my personal opinion, I think SC2 looks pretty damn good at the moment considering that it's still in alpha. I think the units do need to be a bit chubbier than they were in SC1 to make unit selection less painful. I really can't see where people are getting their "WC3 in space" opinions from. But I wish they don't lock the view of SC2 at such a close zoom like they did in WC3, or just make it adjustable on-the-fly via mouse wheel.

    One thing on the side is that I wish they would change the Infester back into a Defiler, just the name and the visual model. But that's just my personal taste.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  13. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    i agree its too warcrafty, especially the seiged tank (SC1 had the awesome braces, SC2 has the tracks making an X :()

    and i've said it a thousand times and i'll say it again, lose the marines shield!
  14. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Wow are you serious? I think the Crucio tank is one of the best models so far.

    @People talking about camera angles, only in the stills do the units look out of proportion but while moving they don't.

    I kinda agree on the Zealots tho.

    I dislike the tier 3 Lurker also, I'll start adding the reasons with the help of the sexy spoiler tool.
    so you can click things like this without making the screen too cluttered ;]
  15. Nikzad

    Nikzad New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    I don't really have any problems with the camera angles, I like the Protoss, Terran is ok, Zerg I really don't have much of an opinion on.
    I'm sure Blizzard will fix everything in the end.
  16. AlexBlaze

    AlexBlaze New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Hyperion's cantina.. *BURP*
    @Psionicz - just because i started this thread, it doesn't mean i hate SC2 or something, but think about it, talking about things we DO like about SC2 won't help Blizzard change the ones we DON'T!

    @me555 - i didn't said SC2 gfx are worse or the same as WCIII, of course the gfx in sc2 are better, 4-5 years of development after they finished WC3 and it isn't finished yet.

    The reason i said it looks like WC in space, and i think it's the reason most ppl say this, is the size of units compared to the buildings, the proportions, if they change the proportions, it won't resemble to WC3 gfx, where a soldier was big or bigger than a base..or almost.. this doesn't mean they should make the Thor 1cm tall and the Command center 50meters... aaa don't forget about the marines with shields.. they really look like footmen in space :)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  17. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I never said you're thread is a bad thing, its good as it helps Blizzard analyse what works and what doesn't, in our view.

    The buildings don't need to be huge, this is advanced technology and the production buildings are only fitting Terrans with Marine suits or warping Zealots on to the map or something.*
    Theres nothing crazy about a huge Ultralisk, as the creature the Zerg infested to get the Ultralisk was a huge creature anyway. It isn't impossible for large creatures, especially if you got invisible guys with death scythes.

    Also remember not everyone has played or cares about warcraft, me being one of those people.
    So it looks like something from warcraft, its still Starcraft and does not function in a Warcraft mannor.

    *Speaking of buildings, the Hatchery is way to big, they would quickly clutter up the screen and force the Zerg base to be too large. Zerg work better with everything together as it makes it easier for the Queen to defend and allows your defensive units to micro around buildings. The big hatchery stops that, its also hard to find Larva, since they're so small and the Hatchery is so huge.
  18. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Strike Fighter Escorts: The Strike Fighter Escort's purpose is to focus fire on an enemy. Can't this already be accomplished by ordering your Carrier to attack one unit? And if you want to attack multiple units, can't you just order the Carrier to make an attack move in some direction?

    (Twilight)Archon: I hope to see at least one spell given back to it, preferrably something akin to Maelstrom that stuns units.

    Nullifier: We (or at least I) haven't seen much info about it since it was first discussed. Does it still do damage? what abilities does it have?

    Mothership: Same as the Nullifier. So far we've seen the Black Hole been taken in and out, a cloaking ability, and something about "transporting units across the battlefield." What's going on with the Mothership?

    Thor: It's been toyed with way too much, and is just a really awkward unit. It's time it got scrapped.

    Terran Anti-Air/Anti-Ground scales: At first, with the Thor, Siege Tanks, Banshees, and PT Battlecruisers, Terran seemed to have too much anti-ground. Now the Thor has AoE anti-air, Banshee's attack is now single-target, and now the Battlecruiser's Plasma Torpedoes have been replaced by the Missile Barrage anti-air ability. I hope to see the Anti-Air/Anti-Ground scales balanced out soon, hopefully with a scrapping of the Thor and a return of the Predator.

    Medivac Dropship: I really don't like the Medivac, plain and simple. However, I still think it should be in the game, but at the cost of one or two Medics and a Dropship fused together, kind of like an Archon morph.

    Nomad: Some of it's abilities should be tweaked IMO. The Spider Mine laying should be increased to 25 energy, and if the Auto Turret is going to cost resources, it should cost some combination of minerals and gas, not just Vespene. That just doesn't sound logical.

    Jackal: Seems like a kind of uncreative unit. I'd like to see a different attack or a new unit all together.

    Zerg Defenses: Zerg defenses have been toyed with a lot, which is making me nervous. I hope they get it down pat soon

    Hydralisk: The Hydralisk Den now requires a Lair, putting the Hydralisk itself at Tier 2. On top of that, it's air attack is supposedly been reduced to 8 damage, and it costs an extra 25 minerals/gas. We either need an increase in damage upgrades (ex. +2 per upgrade instead of +1) or put the Hydralisk back where it was on the Tech tree and with original cost.

    Overlord/Overseer: I suppose that Zerg in SC1 did have too much detection with Overlords, so removing their detection is fine. I'm still unsure on the abilities that the overlord/seer have, though. Also, the Overseer is butt friggin' ugly.

    Infestor and Infestation: Infestor is an ugly sac of crap. I say bring back the Defiler model and name. The infestation process looks ugly, and It seems so stupid for infested structures to produce Broodlings after making an awesome Infested Marine model.

    Swarm Guardian: If infested buildings make Broodlings, that means the Guardian might not, which is bad. The spawn broodling was such a cool effect to be on the Guardian's attack, and I hope it stays.

    Nydus Worm: It can be seen without a detector, can hold 255 units, and looks kind of ugly in my opinion. It should be invisible while moving again, should hold no more than 24 units, and could use some minor visual tweaking.

    Visuals: The last on my list for a reason, since gameplay is more important. Protoss buildings seem pretty finished graphically. some of the ground units could look less cartoony, though (especially the Stalker). Terran looks good and bad in many different places. The gritty that they've done in the Baneling screenshot is amazing, but a bit overboard on the Siege Tanks (a bit difficult to tell the color). Zerg have just been released, and on the whole are pretty ugly. I have high hopes though.
  19. needler

    needler New Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    I think that the game looks quiet good, but I have two things to complain about. First, the Marines run. It has bothered me from since we first saw them. How can they run in such a big and heavy suits? Strange. The second thing is that the Spawning Pool looks ugly.

    And where's the slepl ccehk?
  20. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    SOme one posted a Dislike to Hero units and i wanna add to that DIslike. Hero units have messed up the game and aspects of the game that could of made balance easyer. Abilitys were removed that would own Hero units because of balance. Moves like the original Spawn brood or even my fave Feedback. Blizzard made a BAD move trying to balance a 1 of a kind hero insted of little massable units.... Heros change the game and make it un-even. They become childeren in the game and need major baby sitting and become large targets while giving an unfair advantage just because theres only one. Its not fair to a player who dosent want to be bothered with the hero BULL PIE set up face a player using that crap and win. Heres a clue blizzard.....

    I have WC3 if i wanted that bull crap.

    U can mass nomads but not a queen??? The mother ship is a one only unit because of its abilitys but should be rebalance ability wise and shaped into the new arbiter. Take away the queen leveling and some of those abilitys and give her the defensive building and building repair and make her massible with crappy stats so noobs dont get mass happy. Bring back abilitys that would help races that would other wise destroy (hero type units) like feedback or spawn brood. I think queens should get a spawn brood. They could do so much to better balance out the crappy Hero type issues. AND just to let you know not calling a hero dosent mean its not a hero blizzard. Watching blizzard lie to the public and them selfs makes my heart heave and sad altogether.

    As for graphics, thats a whole nother story. They look amazing except for zerg.... They look like plasic toys and there horrible. The lurker not ooking related to a hydralisk is down right shameful as the mass type quality of the zerg would only make things worse, I know at first sight seeing roaches and the old crab-lurker might strain your eyes and i find that an issue. I dont wanna click and hit burrow and be like WTF my lurker isnt attacking and on a second glance my lurkers are running around being shot to death while roaches chill happy as can be out of battle having cookies and milk under ground cause of 1 misclick. Only hot-keying fixes this but some time u dont want a HOLE group and just 1 unit. The point is difference is key and i dont want crabs fighting my war a want terroble looking monsters fighting! not look-alikes and ugly plastic building. I'm not going to go on any more about the zerg. they just came out and have had the least amout of work and i kinda expect the buildings to be change dramaticly.

    And the L.O.S kind of scars mee too now. Not being able to see up ramps is just dumb. Personaly i think you should be givin a small amout of space to see past a cliff. Blizzard should have it in the textile for 2 different types of cliffs. cliffs that give little or greater sight rang to higher ground units. I understand the fact you cant always see units that are higher up but if he peeks over the edge of a cliff i think i'll be able to shoot the one closest to th edge atleast. L.O.S should be giving the the units Right on the edge of the cliff and and the hwhole cliff is all i'm saying. It would atleast be a tad more real and would be fairly understad able.