So, I had a funky dream at 5:45 this morning. I was at my house, and my dogs had somehow expelled bleach from their bodies, and it was all over the living room carpet. My mother and I cleaned up the mess, and I sat down on one of the armchairs in the living room. I closed my eyes, sighed with comfort, then opened my eyes to see a cricket in front of me. Now, picture this cricket's torso being three feet long, and the middle pair of legs facing upward, with claws on the end (essentially like a zergling). this cricket turned to face me, and then jumped in my direction. Now, I have horrible insectophobia, so even though I was still dreaming, I literally jumped out of my top bunk bed, falling about 5 feet and colliding with a chair, trash can, and storage chest, the last of which put a 2 cm long gash into my elbow. I got back from the hospital 30 minutes ago, with three stitches. I'm sleeping on the floor tonight...with a can of RAID.
Dude, seriously, get help. There are ways of dealing with phobia's that cause disturbances. Confrontation therapy I think it is called.
doesnt your top bed has some kind of protection? I would be terrified to sleep there :O I move so much while Im sleeping
Most top bunks have a guard to stop ppl from falling off when they sleep. He said he jumped, so it doesn't matter that it was there.
I was serious about the story, and I usually don't thrash that much in my dreams. Nor am I usually afraid, since I do some pretty wierd stuff in my dreams (I played tag with dinosaurs once). I'm definitely sleeping on the floor though, I'm not risking the other elbow.
...Psychedelic. Well there's always the couch if it comes down to it, even if it's uncomfortable as hell.
yeah dont sleep in high places. and lol u had a dream playing tag with dont worry im scared of big insects...they make me go nuts xD
I'm afraid of falling from a high place. Why do you think I don't sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed?
the funny thing is, because of the space/safety issues (I'd have to stand at my desk and one window has to be unobstructed as a fire escape, respectively) we're considering scrapping the top bunk entirely, and letting me pull the top matress out from under the base bed, which I'd be fine with. If we can shove aside some of the crap under there, that is.