I'm not positive if this is the confirmed song I was told it is but Echoes of war, anyone else heard it's the song? I think it's a bad song for the type of game starcraft is. Here's a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX2suHcS6Nc&feature=related
I know I was told it's the zerg theme actually which is even worse and would require me blocking out the zerg music with my own. Here's the supposed protoss theme song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOMRt2BWlAI&feature=related and the terran http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2ZVg3jbidQ&feature=related I have to say the pro toss and terran actually sound good the zergs is gay techno bull ****. It's not even raqdio free zerg techno. Don't double post.
It is the zerg song from echoes of war. I have the cd so i can attest to this. Well it really is a stylistic preference really, i didn't mind it. I liked the way it was completely unique compared to the terran and protess theme highlighting their differences as a race i thought. And to be honest the supposed bull**** techno bit you speak of starts to come in around 2:00, supplemented by the orchestra and the choir. Its not prevalent nor overpowering the rest of the song in any way at all. So calm down a bit, things with synths don't necessary make it techno. Also remember its an arrangement, not for the game so obviously it might not be suited for the game itself. More like a homage so to speak. But anyway its my opinion so i could be wrong.
I don't like this music. It's creating wrong atmosphere for the game. It will be disappointing if this is the music used in the final game. Bigger budget does not equate with better results. And that's one of the oldest paradoxes in the entertainment industry.
As I said, its an arrangement. This isn't the music for the game. Eminence was allowed to arrange Blizzard's themes for listening pleasure, not to create ambient background music. Blizz has their own guys working on the game music itself.
[@MyWif I like the song i was angry at the fact i feel ot doesnt't fit the zerg in anyway. I personally think the zerg need a more creepy feel to thier music. Don't auote excessively.
the zerg one would maybe fit in if starcraft was a pre-medieval game with tribal warfare and such but no, I'd rather play nosound than this
These Tracks are Zerg: Eradicate and Evolve, Protoss: En Taro Adun and Terran: No Matter The Cost. They are instrumental/orchestral pieces and I *HIGHLY* doubt they will be put as game music, because game music *usually* isn't orchestral.
Erm.. this music won't be in the game.. for everyone that thinks that This is echoes of war, it's not actual sc2 music.
Beautiful musics, but not appropriate for the game. Yeah, really beautiful ! But they will not be included in the game.
I like the supposed Zerg theme....but it is far too human. I agree with Iffy here, this is not the zerg theme. Would you imagine a Zerg song with human vocalizations in it? No? Well, good news, Blizz knows design. As an over all theme, I can see it. i think Terran influences are the most provalent, but you still have a techy Prostoss sound at parts and a many feet stampeding Zerg feel in areas too. The supposed Terran theme has a butt load of SC1 music in it. Blizz isn't making SC 3d... Both seem like a fan made thing if anything . I'm a stoner; and by stereotype, below orchestra music, but I'll certainly enjoy these next time I blaze. Very enjoyable tracks if relevant or not. EDIT: I Guess I'm not really agreeing with Iffy, but the guy with the same ****y looking avatar. What? It's a ****ing Krusty the Clown with wings and a barbell line drawing.
LOL ! I first believed you were talking about me Well it's true that vocalize in the Zerg theme is weird. Too bad because the music was good.