If ever there is a tech war to lose, I am there to lose it. My worst enemy is a well defended wall, whether it be a few zealots (to soak up banelings) backed with cannons and stalkers, or a bunker / supply / tank combination. Naturally, I try to Nydus or drop—but typically anyone with such strong wall-defense has pretty decent AA / base-vision. This leaves me with, what I feel, is the most viable option: Contain, expand, and tech; which I feel I do quite well, mind you! Here's my only problem . . . Terran and Protoss tech completely destroy me. I have no clue what I can do against it, even with a huge resource advantage. The combination of Thors and Seige Tanks (with some Marines . . . how I hate Marines) takes out any combination I've managed to amass. Colossi, Void Rays, and Stalkers similarly leave me crying and sucking my thumb. — I think I've accurately pinpointed my problem, though: Technology Deficiency Syndrome, TDS, or—colloquially—"F*ck." It's that sinking feeling in your stomach as hordes of your opponent's troops pour out of his single base and systematically proceed to steamroll your several expansions and the large army you've put together, which you previously thought was . . . good. Anyway, I've been reading a lot of people talking about Broodlords. The truth is, I very rarely get to use BLs in any normal game, and I'm sure it's because I suck at teching. Do you guys have any tips, not for getting passed a wall, but for handling whatever comes out of it? Tips for collecting more gas? (That seems the major issue when it comes to my teching.) Tips for speeding up my tech-process so I, with more than one expansion, can tech faster than my opponent's single base? My late game is lacking. Thanks.
for one thing, do not expand TOO fast, remember, expansions take resources to start, and take a little bit to pay themselves off. And of course with expanding, with zerg, the question is, do you use all your larvai to get all the needed drones for mining/gas using all available hatcheries to get it done quickly, but sacrifice army production for a couple of minutes, or do you only use that new expansion to make its own drones? takes longer, but you can use your other bases to continue building up your army........ a combination of brood lords and whatever the crap the name is of the unit the BL spawns from, the long range anti air. I find that unit to be pretty strong against BCs, and Void rays. Only problem of course is the time it takes to tech to it...it takes longer than void rays, and about the same time as BCs to tech to. infestors can help too, especially when facing an army of larger expensive units, and of course, any bit of help matters in the make it or break it fight. Remember, if you have him pinned up in a base, he is not coming out until he has maxed his build, he will be out of resources very likely, with as many units and upgrades as he can stretch his resources to make. That means that it is a make it or break it fight for him at least. If he fails, you have him. If you are unsure of what he is building in his base, I would suggest a strong anti air army, prefferably air of your own, since that is the easiest way for him to break out. Do not forgo ground defenses however, a few sunks outside of his tank range but within range of the bottom of his ramp would do enough to slow down his a ground attack so that you can get your army there to help. Until you are supply capped, andupgrade maxed, if you have him holed up in one base, and have a tight lid on the expansions, then there is no reason to attack. And also have money and larvae saved up so that if the attack goes poorly, you can VERY quickly rebuild nearly the entire army to keep him from a successful break out. That is the benefit of zerg, you play your cards right, you can lose an entire army have it all replaced inside of a few minutes....much faster than they can replace their troops.
holy crap. We're like polar opposites! im toss and i tech too much xD i learned to mass by playing very hard and insane AI anyways, here is my advice: Got gas? too many resources? spawn larva, and tech thors, siege tanks, rines. < Cracklings, Ultras, Brood lords, mutas, hydras. yeah i know, alotta diff units right? learn to tech. (i have almost every kind of unit in my usual 200-supply army cept archons and a few more) however! dont ONLY tech becuz it requires time, and u will have unspent resources. try to keep your resources to under 1000 min and 1000 gas. expand, but not too much, since it spreads your army and takes a bit from your resource pool. if you're massing, learn to spawn larva like you're an steriods. just remember to spawn everytime they hatch. Also, upgrades are important in long games, dont forget finally, learn from your mistakes. why did u lose? learn what counters what. (over9000 cracklings > 5 thors) remember to always be doing sometihng. look around your base and see what needs to be or could be done. glhf (and btw i do not always keep my own advice in mind )
assuming you are expanding right with enough drones saturating gold and gas on "BOTH" your main and exp. You can shoot for this combination as an ideal zerg army. 4+ broodlord + mass hydra + mass roaches With this army, the broodlord will supplying enough crabs to serve as meat shield and avoid damage to your glass canon (hydra+roaches) in the back during a base push. Since all three units have no special abilities (or on autocast) , you can set the entire army on auto attack and simply focus on pulling out or burrowing dying units. The only counter to this army is if the other player is good enough to micro pass your crabs and kill your broodlord and hydra first. But you probably wont see that until you are in high platinum or diamond.
learn how to tech, or keep putting pressure with a lot of mutas until he needs to expand, and overrun him with your hydras... if you do a drop and you take out a good amount of tech buildings/workers, don't hesitate to do it a second time till he starves. make sure you are macro-ing properly, i think that's why you don't like teching, you don't make enough $
There are few legit counters for a ultra+hydra+corruptor+broodlord army. Broodlord spawns are messing with the AI autotargetting while ultralisks are slashing the marines to bits and hydras are delivering massive dps while being shielded by the ultras? GG sir
Mostly when my first zergling rush fails and i see the massive wall of barracks,tanks e.t.c, i either spawn roadches, do the nydus network or i go mass air . Air thing works very very good as long you remember to pull them out when enemies comes.