The Zerg "Creeper"

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Darkmer, Aug 12, 2007.

The Zerg "Creeper"

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Darkmer, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. Darkmer

    Darkmer New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    The Creeper

    Appearance: Think of a 4 legged crab without of a front or back, like an oval with legs that curl inward. Cover it with a flowing blanket (Or skin in this case) and you essentially have the Creeper. It looks like an oval manta ray with legs. It has a few feelers and about 50 eyes adorning its front.

    Speed: Twice the speed of a floating command center

    Attack: Same as a Hydralisk

    Passive Bonus:

    1) +5 damage to all zerg within an X radius

    2) Creep Ooze. Emanating from the Creeper is creep, much like from that of a creep colony. It expands outward from the Creeper at 1/2 the rate of a real creep colony and can only survive in X radius of the Creeper

    Health: 1500

    Energy: 250, 300 with upgradge

    Supply: 10 (Max 2 at one time)


    1) Death Spores, 100 energy. Covers x radius with an improved plague (twice speed of life loss)

    2) Adrenaline Pheromone, 50 energy. All friendly unit within X radius of effect are given +5 damage and double attack speed but incur 5% total health damage per 2 seconds.

    3) Infection Swarm, 250 Energy. All enemies within X radius of the Creeper is swarmed by Infection Drones ( burrowing incests) and within 3 seconds of the ability's use, the foes are converted to the player's control (Much like Dark Archon).


    The Zerg are an attack race. When you play zerg you don't turtle or hide in your base like a scared child. You mass your units and swarm the enemy for the overmind.

    Through the Brood Wars and the Protoss conflicts, the Zerg have evolved to improve their attack. The Zerg developed the creeper to help their mobility and striking. Due to its large range and ability to lay down creep, the Zerg can move Nydus Worms or colonies quickly onto the battlefront to reinforce their broods or expand their bases into the heart of enemy lines to surprise them

    The power the Creeper brings to the battle is indispensable and essential for zerg success. Its power to enrage the surrounding brood can make attacks that much more fierce and able to handle forces a Zerg army might not have been able to. The weakening of their enemies is also essential and the Creeper has taken upon the defiler's own ability, but evolving it to supremacy, to decimate any force of their health through advanced plagues, making a fearsome foe a near death pushover.

    The final ability, born from the evolution of the queen's infection ability, is one of the most fearsome and powerful the creeper has. Melding in with what makes a Zerg truly a Zerg, the assimilation of other races, the Creeper is able to send out powerful burrowing insect like creatures that attach instantly to the host's nervous system and connect them with the overmind, making them instantly part of the brood. This can turn an impossible army into a manageable force and reinforce the brood all in one, truly a powerful ability.

    Note: Please give your criticisms or praise. I am aiming this to be a supper unit expect without the OMG OVERPOWERED feeling. The mass convert can be seen as powerful but with the slow movement and not super high health, it would only really affect meele units or the like that get near. It is mostly a support unit to bolster attacks, help expansion, and help with Nydus Colony/Worm movement.
  2. silentmage

    silentmage New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Uhhhhmmmm ..... that still seems pretty powerful ......... and I still think that the zerg having a super unit is a mistake .......
  3. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    New Zealand
    it doesn't seem overly overpowered. it seems a little too simalar to to a cerebrate though
  4. opm

    opm New Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    i don't think zerg should have a zerg super unit in the standard fashion that we see with the other races, but you have to give them something to help the balance. personally i think that something should come in the form of improved spells, or another unit that can counter the Thor. I can't think of a unit design that can do that effectively unless it is due to a spell. Time to bring the tech tree on one or two spells down the latter maybe?