The World of StarCraft -- NEXT GEN MMORPG!

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by 1n5an1ty, Oct 19, 2010.

The World of StarCraft -- NEXT GEN MMORPG!

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by 1n5an1ty, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    No, ActiBliz isn't making it.

    This is just an idea for a starcraft mmorpg (unlike the old,old post by BoP; what the heck happened to him lol)

    This can one day be realized as an sc2 custom map (VERY UNLIKELY LOL)

    General Idea:

    all races playable.

    terran - start as an infantry unit, or civilian.
    toss - zlot, dt, ht, civlian
    zerg - overlord-like creature

    they have "origins" stories (like Dragon Age: Origins) and have a vast skill, stat, and attribute pool (attributes determined by player b4 start of game, which also affect origins), making the character very personal.

    Probably a non-canonical plot

    why are you in this world? (brief idea overview)

    terrans - start as a special military program (and thus spells). you have authorities who keep you very restricted (and thus leveling, promotions, etc.)

    toss - Prodigy, somehow many prodigies are coming into the world at this time.

    zerg - unexpected mutation, some swarm leader decides to make u almost like a mini-cerebrate, with a limited number of units. flight might not be available right off the bat (expained by mutation).

    Just a thought :cool:
    Takaim likes this.