The Terran OP Argument

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by astrumpro, Aug 25, 2010.

The Terran OP Argument

  1. astrumpro

    astrumpro Guest

    I'm seriously not understanding the logic behind the people crying about Terran being OP. Mostly, I see this from Zerg players, yet when I watch replays, I see that the Zerg does not change tech when his units are countered. So then, how can they complain? Sure, I might be biased, being a Terran player myself, but I firmly stand by my opinion that Terran is not overpowered. It really bothers me when I watch replays from Husky, HD, or AskJoshy, and find comments like:

    This was from a replay between DIMAGA and MorroW. MorroW (Z) had gotten Ultralisks (obviously) and DIMAGA had gone for MM. Now how can someone complain when Marauders counter Ultralisks? Sure, the whiner here probably does not play Terran, so he does not know Terran counters, yet most people know that Marauders do +10 to armored. So shouldn't it also be obvious that Marauders counter Ultralisks? Seriously. Smh. :arghh:

    Now, I want all of you non-Terrans to reply to this thread and tell me why you think Terran is OP.

    More stuff to back up my argument: - snowden0908
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2010
  2. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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  3. Ste

    Ste New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    ppl cry about anything they have yet learned to counter. Well not most ppl, but the ppl that whine are the only ones that post alot... srsly..
  4. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    im not sure that terran are over powered but i cannot find a reasonable counter to thors, so when i random terran i make thors and win, this seems an issue. as for the maurders beating ultrs that was back when ultras were slowed the maruder was nerfed,i think thors are a very strong units that could use slight tweaking much like the void but other than that, it seems pretty good.
  5. Rebel Head

    Rebel Head New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    Zerglings are good to use against thors. I would like to see the 250mm cannon ability for thors removed from multiplayer, I feel its too hard of a counter against ultralisks, and also makes having yamato cannon for battlecruisers pointless.
  6. cybykillers

    cybykillers New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    terrans win more in bronze though but not diamond. protoss win a lot more and zerg is not very far behind. individual terran units are actually very weak so they rely on wall offs and harrasment to keep themselves alive.
  7. Suzina

    Suzina New Member

    May 25, 2010
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    That's the data I think we've all been looking for. Zerg is the least played race, and that should be addressed. Are they boring to play? Do people just not like playing bugs? Are they too hard to play? ect... but do they win a similar % of games? Yes. In every league.
  8. Heidegger

    Heidegger New Member

    May 9, 2010
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    I think it has already been said (by others and by me): zerg are not as much fun to play as the other races and offer the least gimmicks. Although changing from zerg to terran cost me a reclassification from gold to bronze, I find terran simply more entertaining.

    Zerg has the least number of units, their upgrades do not add fancy abilities (stim, blink, concussive shells etc) but deal with range and speed. Actually many upgrades don't add something to a unit but are necessary to make an otherwise crippled unit a proper one (e.g. hydra range and roach speed). Zerg units are also not fancy by themselves (bar the baneling), they have a melee, a good ranged, a strong low ranged unit and normal flyer. The only fancy one being the infestor (and maybe the brood lord). Terrans have a flyer that can cloak, another one that can land and (only) then shoot ground units, a tank that can siege, another flyer that has stuff like auto turrets and point defence drone, a nuke and emp and cloak ghost, a reper that is superfast and can jump cliffs. Protoss do have the colossus that can walk over anything, the blinking stalker (my fav ability), can warp in units anywhere, a vortex mothership, psi storms and and generally cloaked melee units, void rays which charge up and sentries which can spell force fields that actually give many options (clogg the choke, cut enemy army in half, secure retreat etc).

    While I don't want to argue about balance stuff, I believe that (esp for noobs who care less about e-sports and high level balance) these things make zerg the least interesting to play with. Jumping reapers and blinking stalkers are just much more fun than a roach (even if that one might be strong). And also look at the names in this example: reaper, stalker, roach...
  9. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Yes, I would like to see some gimmicks for zerg. Hell, I even have to invest time and 300/300 res to get a simple dropship, while terran has invaded my base this way 2 times. Also, statistics lie. Terran are the most played race, and many newbies play terran, and pull the win ratio down. I still think that terran are very hard to beat, especially for protoss. I have the feeling that I only win against terran if I have a decent advantage in skill or if I surprise him. Turtling terrans usually lose, because they don't fully utilize their strenght of containing. But these become less and less the more I advance.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  10. TheSneak109

    TheSneak109 New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Yeah, Zerg are by far the weirdest race to play. Honestly though, I think they're super fun to play. They're macro-tastic and it's so much fun massing up a ridiculous army in around 40 seconds or so (assuming you have the supply and resources )and being able to switch tech relatively fast (baneling busts are my FAVORITE tactic...I love them so much).

    However, they're definitely pretty hard to play and fully understand, which is why many new players feel they should just pick an easier race to play (cough Terran cough). Especially since if a new player comes to the game, he or she will most likely play the campaign first, which as we all know is focused on Terran and a little bit on Protoss, so they're already familiar with those races and decide to play them in multiplayer so they don't get roflstomped as bad playing zerg.

    Addmittingly, I played Terran first in the beta. For some reason or another, I sucked with them, so I switched to Produce, got relatively good with them but soon became bored...started playing random, then eventually fell in love with Zerg ^_^
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  11. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    I also like the game style of zerg. But at the same time, they're hard to play. You have to do and remind yourself of something all the time. Spawn larvae, spread creep, saturate bases, build army, tech, scout, you name it. Many of these things must be done by the other races as well, but the double APM zerg players use to show vs other races speak for themselves. And if your enemy catches you off guard while doing one of those many things insects gotta do, all your zerglings are gone in a second. This is the frustrating part.
  12. TheSneak109

    TheSneak109 New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    I don't think that Terran is necessarily OP, I just find Zerg to be kind of lack-luster at times and much harder to use in general :S

    However, if I switched to Terran now I would SUCK with them cause I've been playing Zerg for so long I'm stuck in their playstyle...and I was never good with Terran to begin with lol (it would be interesting to see if I've gotten better with them, however).
  13. Draco Spirit

    Draco Spirit New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    I found the terrans lack of scouting option (compaired to the zerg) is there big weak spot. Compaired to the other races the terrans seem prety blind.

    They also have a two unit with -limited- stealth options. The protoss have the wonderfully usefull observer and the permently stealthed hand to hand killing machines the dark templar. The zerg have burrowing ablity on every ground unit with a cheep and simple upgrade and two units that can move while burrowed, one who when massed can summon a huge army of free if low powered ranged infortery.

    The terrans do have arguably the best defencive options, but in a game where bluffs and sneak attacks are prety common, all they have is the ablity to every so often look inside a base.... assuming they know it there! :(
  14. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    Yes, that is the one thing that I am finding more and more, orbital scans just don't do the job well enough. It takes 2-3 scans to scout the entire enemy main, and that's about almost 700 minerals lost because those scans could have been mules. Whereas protoss just has to send one 50min+100gas observer to scout the whole base, and zerg can send one or two 100min speed overlords to do the same.

    On topic, there really isn't any basis for Terran being overpowered against Zerg or Protoss. It's just that most Protoss players, even good ones, still don't see how powerful 3 gate zealot + sentry pushes are against Terran, and most Zerg players still play like the other races, keeping all their units in one control group and attack through chokes into siege tanks and expecting to win just because they have an extra base...

    Even Idra almost lost a game ( because he just refused to attack from more than one direction at a time with his ultralisks. Wait, he still won? By mass producing more ultralisks and bashing his head against a brick wall until the wall broke? And people are still complaining that Terran is overpowered?
  15. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    There's no way you can argument terran have a bad time scouting. Observers can be stopped by simply placing aa around the base, I do so and this helps. Also, aa can never be a bad idea in case the enemy goes dt or banshees. OVs get shot down quickly, also even quicker when there's aa. Terran just have to send a medivac, which comes always handy anyways, to have the same scouting ability zerg have. Plus, scan is powerful. At any time you like, you can see what your enemy is doing or building for nearly nothing. Yes, this could have been 300 mins terran take for granted, which also come only through a nice ability from the OC. But intel costs. Zerg have to suicide 2 slow or 1 fast OV which costs a 100/100 as well, so no being poor there.
  16. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    Yes you are right, orbital scans do become very useful later on when other scouting techniques are no longer as effective. Only problem is at that point you usually have so many resources that you don't need to scout enemy tech, you just need to have a very large and varied army with a mobile detector and you will be ready for anything. Scouting at that point is mainly to find the enemy army and enemy expansions, and scans excel at that.

    I'm talking about early on in the game, when you discover that the enemy is playing defensive and building some unknown force in his base. What is it? Is it void rays? Is it dark templar? Is it colossi? Is it 6 warp gates pumping chargelots and blink stalkers? Is it some combination of these? You have to scout their main and find out, you don't have enough resources to counter every possible thing the opponent might be getting. This is where other races have the scouting advantage: it's early enough that they don't have enough AA in their main to prevent a flying unit scout, and the Terran player doesn't have enough CC's to scan the whole base enough times to find the hidden tech in the corner, and even if he did, he still might lose if he found 6 warp gates with his last scan, and now can't defend against it because he used 4 scans instead of 4 mules.
  17. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    You are right, but still. I played a few terran players who scouted me with a medivac. None of them was harmed. Well, maybe 1-2 shots by my queen ;) And a medivac is never a wrong investment. It can scout, heal and drop your units. I really envy terran for such a unit.
  18. craiggy

    craiggy Guest

    I think the main problem with the ranking is that platinum and diamond are a joke to get into. The ranking system is a mess, there are pretty terrible players in higher leagues and I don't think that's a very good indicator. Even the top scores are more or less whoever is fairly good and plays the most.

    With that being said, the one reason for protoss being the highest is that they have by far the easiest macro. Terrans have to deal with the reactor/tech lab mess and the fact that they queue retardedly. If zerg players miss a larvae spawn it's a huge loss. However, protoss don't really have a gimmick. You just hotkey some gateways and spam away. Don't have to use a methodical order and tab like with terran or go back to your base to spawn larvae with zerg.

    Also with protoss, all their land units have the same upgrades. You can easily make a force with them that counters everything in the game. Terran and zerg have to split upgrades to make a well balanced army.
  19. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    I get owned since I got into platinum. I now have to keep up learning while fighting my low motivation from all these losses. Ranking is definitely stupid right now. But I don't think that you get more points from playing more. First, you get no bonus points when playing frequently. Second, You equally lose as you gain points when your ratio is 50/50. So it doesn't matter how much you play, your ration is what matters, points wise.
  20. Prawn108

    Prawn108 New Member

    Jul 25, 2010
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    don't look up
    are you sure? I lose ~8 on losses and gain 16-24 on wins most of the time.