I hear but the ringing of the explosions, with my ears slowly withering before the onslaught of the vocal abomination I see but the clouds of poison and flashes of light, like present in the wars of yonder I smell nothing but the demonic scent of sulphur and the smell of cheap alcoholic broth I taste nothing but the tinge of a natural disaster and the anxiety of youth to maim themselves I feel but the sense of impending disaster as the people jubilate in cheer And in my head, all the spirits that you sought to banish, have moved in
Im take Pink beer jkjk iwonder how pink lemonade + root beer wud taste like. oh, and also whats the diff b/w pink and normal lemonade? (besides color)
Pink lemonade is strawberry/cherry/red-fruit juice combined with lemonade. It is my favourite drink, besides Shirley Temples. Root Beer is my third favourite drink.