Do u think the Kel-Morian Combine and Umojan Protectorate will play a vital part in SC2? ;DI heard that UED have contacts with Combine,i wonder whether Stukov will take over Combine to blast zergs. ^_^
It's an interesting idea... I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did have some role in the storyline.
New Enslaver Campaign: Stukov:Specialist/Captain/Commander/Prospector/Magistrate etc........................assault on those of the members of Combine who refuse my leadership by destroying their Ion Cannons upon the space platform.Darn,after Gen Mah Sakai give me the leadership role,they still actively opposing me.The Vikings under their control is enormous,we need to blast those cannons and assasinate the mutineer.Their reasons that Combine should operate as pirates cannot be justified and is laughable. Super Computer:The pwer genrators is believed to be powering the cannons,if we can balst them down,perhpas that could cripple their missile turrets and other defenses as well. lol,just an example. [/quote]
Doubt it. They have been just a side note in the past. They may be mentioned for a sec and you may fight on one of their space platforms but thats about it.
If Terran and Protoss have an all-out war against Kerrigan then it's likely the Combine and the Protectorate might become allies with you. It's also possible that they'll be part of some of your side missions. Helping them attack the Dominion or something.
Raynor's Raiders is a merc force right? I can think of the Combine or Protectorate Being potential employers but noting big storywise
I hope we do see the Umojans. They were mentioned in the manual but were never in the game so we don't really know as much about them as we do about the combine
Well,i heard that Combine is a mining coalition and renegade pirate group(i m sure Dominion is more evil than that),but u guys probably had heard of it somewhere.As for Protectorate,i think they're pretty nice................another protoss-hugger i think.>.<
The Umojans served as a base for the sons of korhal for a time. Other than that, they don't really have an interesting story and shouldn't be included unless a good story can be found.