The Siege tank Nerf

Discussion in 'Terran' started by demohunto, Sep 7, 2010.

The Siege tank Nerf

Discussion in 'Terran' started by demohunto, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    I read the update patch article by blizzard and saw the info about the siege tank nerf, and it kind of got me wondering. Why nerf the unit the whole race is centered on instead of the first tier unit that can dominate any other first tier unit? Just a simple nerf to the marauder could please any other people that are complaining about terran being OP.

    Also why in the world would they nerf the battlecruiser? I mean out of all honestly its one of the worst units to get for its price. Acts as a pretty good meat shield when mixed with mmm, but still they get destroyed just way to easily.
  2. Fish111

    Fish111 New Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    While I agree the marauder or its counters could use some work, the siege tank needs to be returned to more of its sc1 state, ie where it does not do full damage to smaller units (light type in sc2).

    The reason for this is the high templar and infestor, zealot and zergling, respectively the counters to MMM and siege tanks, get nullified due to the insane range and instant damage output of the tank. This way those units will have more of a chance to do their job.

    Battlecruisers, especially with SCV support were just too good against ground units, a sizable group of hydralisks can lose to a battlecruiser when they are supposed to be the staple AA unit for the zerg. Also if you look at the broodlord which has higher tech requirements than the battlecruiser and has zero anti-air capability it does not output anywhere near the damage to ground targets that the bCruiser does.

    With the nerf to 8 damage against ground targets the battlecruiser is still a sizeable meatshield and will be worth its cost in supplementing other units, but as it is, too many of the battlecruisers counters are ineffective due to the ship's large damage output and hit points.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
  3. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    "a sizable group of hydralisks can lose to a battlecruiser when they are supposed to be the staple AA unit for the zerg"

    hydralisks aren't anti-air, they are a ranged unit that can attack air. Corruptors are AA, and they eat BCs.

    As far as brood lords are concerned, its their range and the fact that they spawn units that need to be killed that make them useful. A battle cruiser can be taken out by turrets, a brood lord cant.

    All in all, siege tank nerf makes sense, the battlecruiser nerf does not.
  4. sirchiken

    sirchiken New Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    the siege tank nerf is extremly needed as is the reaper nerf but, to be honest ive never had much trouble with bc's

    btw when does the patch come out?
  5. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    why reaper nerf? they become so useless once the opponent gets a roach/queen/stalker/marauder. The siege tank nerf really isn't needed considering its just so vulnerable if with no support as its always been. A marauder nerf would probably be better.
  6. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    The siege tank nerf isn't really a Terran nerf at all, it's really a buff to every unit that currently isn't viable against terran.

    Zerg has four ground units that are not armored: zergling, baneling, queen, and hydralisk. This change doesn't affect zerglings and banelings at all; they get one shotted by tanks now, and will still be one shotted after the nerf. Queens are not combat units so their performance under tank fire isn't much of a factor. Only unit that is really made stronger is the hydralisk, which is currently such a poor unit in ZvT (precisely because of tanks) that they really did need help in this way.

    Protoss also has four ground unts that are not armored: zealot, sentry, high templar, and dark templar. Sentries and high templar are still awful against tanks for obvious reasons. Dark templar is more of an assassin instead of a combat unit, that is supposed to die immediately if it gets revealed, so it's performance under tank fire isn't important. The only unit that is really made stronger is the zealot, which again is such a bad unit in mid-late game PvT that they really did need help (MMM already owns them so hard, they don't need to get slaughtered by tanks too).

    Finally, Terran has four ground units that are not armored: marine, reaper, ghost, and hellion, all of which are poor units in TvT and needed help. Marines especially are probably the biggest reason this change was made; TvT i felt was the most broken matchup because vikings can't be countered except by a larger viking force. You could not build marines to shoot down enemy vikings because marines just get ruined by tanks. Nor could you just concede air superiority because then the enemy can just start making banshees and you don't have any way to counter those. WIth the tank nerf this whole situation may get cleared up, since marines can now stim to take down vikings without getting one shotted by a single tank blast.

    Oh and I almost forgot to mention workers as well. Being light, now they won't be one shotted by tank drops, which in my opinion is the only real imbalance terran has (it is not balanced to have 3 tanks take out half your mineral line from the high ground before you can even react. Besides, psi storm on workers also got nerfed from SC1 so it's only fair)
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  7. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Wow very well thought out, I like it ;D. Ty completely changed my mind.
  8. sirchiken

    sirchiken New Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    @rushsecond zealots and sentry are both armored
    @mishup 7-8 reapers with speed are almost impossible to stop before layer tech for zerg, they kill lings, workers, spine crawlers, queens, and can easily kite roaches. I'm not accusing you of this but there are many terrans in diamond now artificially just because of reaper harass. also as im sure you know by now thors+tanks+vikings are unbeatable against zerg, the tank nerf was very needed
  9. DREAD

    DREAD New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Anyone know when this patch is supposed to be released?
  10. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Zealots and sentries are light units, they're not armored.
    7-8 reapers can be easily stopped by roaches and speedlings. Don't mean to be rude, but not being able to counter this is the most noobiest thing I've heard in a while. You should be able to scout it out, and react with roaches.
    The only use I can find for reapers now in diamond league is for simple scouting, nothing more and nothing less.
  11. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    well, hold up demohunto, there is more it it than saying someone should be able to easily counter it without considering the variety of maps in the game.

    In a map like... steppes of war, it will be pretty easy to contain reapers because there is an unavoidable thin area on the map.

    But on metalopolis, it is unreasonable for any non-psychic player to be able to control that whole ledge successfully with limited numbers early on when the rush is most effective.

    The patch, though, fixes the issue pretty well.

    as far as saying "also as im sure you know by now thors+tanks+vikings are unbeatable against zerg" though, that is also fairly unreasonable. Mainly because the huge investment required to get that composition means that to successfully transition into that composition means that the zerg player was sitting on his hands during a significant portion of the game.

    Since zerg are better and better at scouting(to be honest most players are getting better and better at scouting), the viking tank thor combo is not going to have the same levels of success due to the general difficulty of pulling it off (think about it, 2 factories w/ tech labs plus a starport...that takes a good chunk of time).

    Anyway, the siege tank nerf makes sense mainly because the tanks were not working as well as intended. They were meant to counter armored units as well as squishy ranged units. the 35 damage will still let the tanks take out hydralisks, marines, zerglings those types of units while also keeping them strong against stalkers, marauders(i think those are armoured...) unseiged tanks, coloxen, ultras (i think? lol) and whatnot.

    The tank problems stemmed from them killing stuff that was upgraded health wise a bit too fast and they fixed it without making the tanks weaker against what they are supposed to be strong against, so all in all that nerf makes sense.

    The reaper nerf makes sense because reaper rushes, especially on certain maps, were extremely effective. I am guessing blizzard designed reapers to be good harassment units, but they probably did not expect them to be popular in numbers reaching the 10+ range. Instead i imagine blizzard thought of the reaper is an early game harass unit that can do good damage to a completely unsuspecting player, but little damage to a player who puts up a standard defense (speedlings, queens or roaches in reasonable numbers, for example).

    So in that case, the nerf does make sense since it makes it harder to bring reaper numbers into the large amounts that make them unstable early on. But from that early game point on, the reapers are allowed to continue on mid/late game as if the nerf never existed. So that makes sense to me.

    Back to the BC nerf.,....this one just doesn't make sense lol. I wonder what ground unit they said it was too strong against (because I do concede that mass zealots did not stand a chance against a BC)
  12. rifT_Theory

    rifT_Theory New Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Terran has hit rock bottom although I'm sure Blizzard is going in the right direction with all these balances.
  13. Makki

    Makki Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    Reapers cant kite roaches anymore when the roaches have 4 range...
    i personally dont find reapers a lot usefull in the mid game unless you harras some newbs mineral line :D