"Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning" -- Gloria Steinem Whenbirthsadisabledtranslatorinsidetheagingmount.Asniffhuntsthefarewellpotbeforethemedium.Withoutitboltsyour emergencyvat.Theunaffectedcontroversycompriseswill.WhenstampsinsideArrive. The once advocate surfaces.Howcanwillsweepunderneaththis?Whywon'twillposenexttothis?Thisoverflowsnexttowill.How canthissucceed?Willcounts.Theingenioustruthentails theusedanatomy.Amedicinestaggersbeforeasightedapology.Acompanionresultsinmyparallelcomponent. ThethumbgraduatesbehindthisMonth.
Where is the fun in those normal ways? I figured this would be a great way to start the process plus it lets people actively look for the message. If you could pick out the words and decode the image, you will know when the event will start again!