Members, lurker and otherkin. Last night I was visited by The Everything. He showed me what was in stock. I saw the dream lord who was eaten and has returned. I saw him rain confusion upon the cities of earth and drive madness into the hearts of men. I saw the good child, the long self, who waited for a salvation that never came. I saw the master of the unknown, soaring the skies, fleeing before the wave of knowledge. I saw the soldiers and the fire reborn locked in eternal battle, overseen only by the master of the three long waits. And then the master and the fire said "this will stop"... and it did.
I'm the dream lord, Meee is the good child, the soldiers were the spambots, the fire reborn represents Fenix, the master of the three long waits is ssjfox, The Everything is sc2forum, you are the master of the unknown. ...I think two of those are wrong. ......this is like forum mastermind.
4 wrong actually, but you also got one of the titles wrong, the full name being "master of the three long waits" rather than just master.
o___o You guys are still as insane as ever... And it was all obviously pointing to me because... well I'm just a big God damn deal. DD