This is a very polite thread to rage against Blizzard for taking down the beta with only one week before release! Please feel free to vent your emotional rage, or sadness about Blizzard's decision to torture us for a week by depriving us of Starcraft II.
Can people stop complaining about the beta ending a week before the release date? It's a WEEK. It's not that long. Besides, the beta's purpose isn't to entertain raging players, it's to test the game out before release. :/
They need the servers down to get them ready for retail. The only other option is for them to buy entirely new servers and THEN move the old beta servers. That is impractical and unnecessary. Besides, they have every right to withhold the beta so that we'd be more likely to run out and buy it on day one.
Your being really immature about the whole thing Prodigal. It's one week. You got to play the game for about a week, and several before hand.
Most games take beta down for months before release.... a week is very generous and I see it as a gift from blizzard for having us wait 10+ years imo
But I actually pay for that game. Further, they got the US up and running as planned, but not the EU. Say goodbye to the world's first kill of Halion in the EU. That, and it was a boring day, so why not troll for a bit?
There are legitimate complaints against Blizzard but not being able to play beta for free the day before release is not one of them.