Okay, I totally suck. That said, I can't seem to get this achievement (finish the mission in 10 minutes or under on Hard). Even put myself on a timer. For some reason, SC2's clock seems to go faster. Fastest I've ever done is 10:11 and I finished that in under 8 minutes per my iPhone's timer. If I try to attack right away without massing marines first, it turns into a slugfest lasting from 15~20 minutes. Any advice?
I don't really have any information except for that Starcraft 2's "faster" speed is actually faster than real time. So if a unit attacks once every second, it's actually a bit over that.
I rushed straight to the rebels while building an additional barracks then reactoring up one and teching the other and setting the waypoint to where the bunker is. Might be even faster if you fly all your barracks to the rebels. While thats going on with the rebel force i built a few more marines then just after a counter attack by the dominion i attacked the bunker. After you have a force large enough to overwhelm their production attack and keep building marines to take the buildings down quickly. Depending on the game speed the clock will be faster or slower.
You can use a reactor? *facepalm* :dull: I don't think Normal allowed reactors so I just went straight to building additional barracks (I've got 3 by the cave to cut down on travel time). I already had rally point set to the bunker area. Anyway, thanks so much for the tip!
Scratch that... Doesn't seem as if reactors are allowed only Tech Lab. Guess I'll just have to work on my build order and timing.
I built a second Barracks and put Tech Labs on both for Medics. After making two I headed north with my starting force to intercept the first attack wave, then up a bit to the right to take out some marines guarding some mineral/vespene caches, all the while pumping out more Marines and Medics. when I had about a dozen units went and saved the rebels and waypointed all of my Barracks right outside where I found em. From there I just kept on pumping out units and waypointing them wherever my strike force was moving to. My final time was 8:50-something.
Remember to take the free resources in the start. Really kicks your economy into overdrive. Get about 3 barracks in your base producing medics on one and marines on the others. When you have a big enough force to get to the rebels, do that. Then mass for one minute more, and attack.
Completed this on insane (or whatever they call it) difficulty. I would note the following: 1) As other people have mentioned, the game time =/ real time. So the good news is the mission isn't broke, but you need to adjust your own 'clock'. I think it has to be done at around 6-7 minutes if I remember correctly. 2) Build your barracks out a bit (I even float my first one up). That will reduce the time needed for your marines to catch up when you start pumping out units. 3) As someone else noted, the resources you can capture are important and should be used to adjust your BO - e.g. build 4 raxes even if you can't afford to utilize them right away, because the captured resources will give you the sudden intake of cash you need. 4) Make sure to move your marines in. If you just attack-move forward you won't get the maximum firepower as units get clogged/blocked. A good example is that bunker you have to plow through at the choke. Just make sure you have some medics attack-moving behind the units that you are having run in, so they get heals. 5) You can use your SCVs if needed. At a certain point the extra cash they would bring in is irrelevant because you won't be able to use it in time or get the units you make from it there in time. Instead just round up all your scvs and have them run in to soak up damage/destroy the buildings faster. 6) You can ignore some of their units at the end. There's a point where any units popping out won't do enough damage to kill anything (your medics will out heal them). So why waste time firing at them? 7) Balance the medics to marine ratio appropriatey. The more medics you have the less marines you'll have. At the same time, you need enough that you aren't losing marines. 8) Micro ff'd units to the back. That way you aren't losing a unit here or there in the skirmishes.