On the one with the marines/medics/banshees, i noticed that the medics had these green jar like thingies on their arms, do you think they use them to heal people or do they serve another purpose?
Yeah, most likely just some sort of design feature, expanding on the original Medic idea. I've noticed how in SC2 a lot of the subtle features in the original are being exagerrated and blown up larger than life. Kinda caricature... Whether this is a good or bad thing, we'll need to wait for the game won't we ~Pix~
I've noticed this too. I don't think it will look too bad. They've clearly done it so that units will be clear on the screen, but have they gone overboard?
lol you guys saw? they made even the missiles the same colour that of your team. the SAM missile fires yellow missiles btw, i dont think the medic's flare reveals the invis, is more of the turret detector thing imo
Well, it's a bit in debate isn't it? There are some threads about it, by all means check em out: http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?topic=4463.0 http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?topic=1028.0