Am I the only one who finds the new interface and style of linking the most annoying upgrade of all time? I'd even consider using another search engine for images, if only they weren't so ****ty in actually getting results.
What I don't like is how half the time it starts at page 56. Then I scroll down, and it decides to fill in page 55, so it moves around what I'm looking at and I have to scroll down again to see what I was looking at before. Continue like this until all 56 pages are loaded. If you scroll down to the bottom, there is a button to "use old display" You have 56 pages to scroll down through before you get to that however.
Page 56? What the heck are you guys talking about!? I start at pg 1 with like colour and the kind of pic on the left hand side.
That is how it should work. But half the time I use google image search, the top of the screen shows page 56 with colour and kind of pic on the left hand side. There is no page 1-55 initially. It gradually inserts those if I try to scroll down, and it pushes everything else down the page when it does, thereby counteracting my scrolling efforts. It is bugged. edit: An example of it not working. It started on page 2 here. Page 1 is missing. Page 3-54 is missing. It continues from page 55. As I tried to scroll down, it gradually filled in the missing pages, moving the pictures around haphazardly as it did:
What browser? It might just not be playing nice with the way a certain browser does CSS or Java (idk?)
From the latest 'innovations' (meaning screwing up a perfectly fine system for the heck of it) of things like steam, youtube or google I must say that google image search is not all that bad. At least not compared to that cursed gray bar at the bottom of the page that youtube added.