So what happened to the starcraft 1 dark templar? In my opinion the scythe is lame and WAY too world of warcraft-ish. What do you guys thing? Here's a video of it watch the action shot video
ofc it looks warcraft-ish. why? cuz blizzard is pushing Warcraft into all their franchises, imo cuz it was the one they expanded most on.
As long as I can create a Dark Archon and then build a triple army, I'm happy. In either case, I think the Dark Templar looks ok.
I think the Dark Templar looks much better than the old one, but also, you can't get Dark Archons, so you can't be a multi-racer
yes, I find it very strange that they would remove the DA. It seems sc2 is going to be more "public oriented", stripping all the interesting powers in favor of putting abilities for 90% of the units. What a shame.
NO DA WTF! RUINING PROTOSS OMG! lol nah i like to use the DA to annoy my friends or my dad. My dad friggin hates it when i use it and yea the DT looks okay.
The Dark Templar had allowed the forbidden art of merging into a Dark Archon to be used during a time of great peril. Aiur had been destroyed and many of the Protoss of the Conclave were part of a mass Exodus to Shakuras. This Exodus brought on the onslaught of the Zerg and the other events surrounding it. However after the end of the Brood War the Dark Templar saw no need for such a forbidden art. Thus they forbid it again. We see that Ulrejaz and his lust for power with his fellow Dark Templar defile the purpose of this transformation corrupting it as an ultimate bastion of the Shadow against Darkness. As far as the Dark Templar appears in game it is by all means one of the nicer SC models considering that it is a permanently cloaked unit. Also from what we should be remembering from the original and Brood War is that these are assassins. They must be stealthy, agile, and be well versed in the art of combat. To neglect the basic nature of what a Dark Templar is, is to reduce it from what it should be and create something different completely. These are the same Dark Templar that strike fear into the hearts of their foes with their cloaked rage, pillage lone resource hubs until the last worker is slain, and ambush unmanaged units.
I concur. I voted for mixed DT's back when blizz had the poll. Now that I've seen them ingame i think the regular DT's look like cool little Zeratuls. The other ones look like morons playing the grim reaper who are about to impale themselves at any second. Remove the scythed ones plz.
i think protoss no longer has dark Archon, only the other one. so no mind controller = no triple army
You can use the Infestor's Neural Parasite to make your triple army. Sadly tho, at the moment, each 'army' won't have its own supply, all together they will be forced to work under 200 supply.