Is so bad that I make it to let the other player know that they are inferior to me and I am trolling them. Making the mothership is pretty much saying. "Lawl Im soo much better than you that you can't even stop me from wasting time and resources on an obviously inferior unit" In short, please don't lose to the mothership, its quite embarrashing. Pros like huk are so uber godly that they can make it and get away with it just for fun.
What a great thread haha. Ive only ever met the mothership once in a 1v1 league game and when that occured i did a harrasment drop as terran and made him gg due to him wasteing so many resources on it
You see, my economy mid-late game is so amazing that i CAN make it, get away with it, and be all in your base with it killing your d00dz. Well, doesn't THAT say sumthin 'bout my macro.
Just to set a few misconseptions straight... Without wanting to destroy your idea about your macro, but it's common for top players(yes, the shiny ones in korea and elsewhere) to accumulate extra minerals and gas from the mid level game and up, making a mothership not that extreme an investment and a pretty viable - and not only viable but also powerful - tech for the mid to late game. That's why it's 1base mothership "rush" that's not viable, because everyone of relatively good skill level can keep their money low off one base therefore such an investment is a serious handicap in the early game. Mothership is not only viable but can win games in the mid-late game with a well-placed vortex or recall, but if you go for it too early a handful of marauders can easily throw a party in your base... Also: Inferior unit? Seriously? Cloaking Field, Mass Recall and Vortex are weak? Then what is to be considered strong? This thing has won games - played by pros - many times already! Just to note: Huk used it on the finals of a tournament against Drewbie who's a sick terran player and not some random scrub. Also the fact that once the mothership is out you can actually win the game proves that the unit is so freaking unbelievably strong...
Was saying that my macro is, at the moment, complete and utter crap. i need moar practice. I second Stirlitz.
My friend convinced me to do a mothership rush against some gold player. The mothership rush off one base seems gimmicky to me, but a mothership rush off 2 bases (or transition into a third)...that sounds very effective if done right. I like ideas that give Protoss the possibility of becoming a more diverse and powerful race. This game was just for fun. I know the build isn't optimized in the least. I think the ideal mothership rush off one base would tech to stargate after the first or second stalker comes out, and flow seamlessly from there (with 100 energy saved for chrono boosting mothership out). While the mothership builds a transition into +3gates and get 4warpgates by the time it comes out, then just push and reinforce. Use a critical vortex or recall when the time is right. Could work against opponents who don't scout/react well enough. And if their defense is really tight then just amass a scary army until your mothership hits 200 energy, and then give them the double pain.
Saw a game yesterday where Kiwikaki went stalker/MS and killed 3 hatches then recalled his stalker army back to his base just as they were getting cornered by mass roaches.
Yeah, that was the game I was talking about in the other mothership thread... Quite awesome and very creative use of the mothership indeed...
Also found out about the archon-vortex strategy when watching that tournament, and I really want to try pulling it off in my team games
Even more powerful than the archon-vortex, for team games is baneling vortex, since it's much easier to pull off(only need a dozen banelings to kill anything that walks on ground in that vortex... And ywah, the archon-vortex is sick! I haven't been able to use it yet, but I suicided a couple archons in a vortex once and even that bit of damage was good splash on all units... 12 archons are almost impossible to get though
I should edit this, but I'd like a "new post" tag, cause this is freaking awsome: People, watch this:, second match... Also, admins, feel free to merge my post with my previous one if you deem it right, I just wanted to ring an attention bell at an awsome use of mothership