Imbalance issues aside, which race do you guys/gals not like being matched up against 1v1. I don't have a feared race but I would prefer not to do a mirror match up because those tends to be more boring than non mirror match ups. I am playing random mainly and I wish there is a option to be randomly not the race the opponent is Which race do you fear the most?
As zerg I fear zerg the most now. Gotta keep those cracklings from charging around my base for to long and nothing is worst than seeing 5-6 banelings right at the start running for your workers. Not to mention the race for mutalisks...zerg vs zerg is always stressful and messy :S
Protoss - I might have had some bad luck with them but I find I can counter a lot of teams shock tactics, my siege tanks splash early terran infantry attempts, my marines counter banshees fine, early mutalisks receive 4-6 vikings early on and thors counter if they mass them, bunkers are nice vs zerg early roach/banelings - but protoss? I need to do my homework, I've seen them make 2 squids and go "ok, they are massing voids" so I make 4-6 vikings like I would vs zerg mutas, but they kill me! I try to fire, backup, fire, but it seems they still have the shield and firepower to drop mine and proceed to do their job - I think its the weapon and armor upgrade just about being ready when they show up. Then if I try MM their immortals zap the **** out of me, I try micro ghosts with any of my defense and end up too sucky on it - Ive recently beaten 3-4 protoss in a row but im 100% sure its because they werent very good, I reaper'd two of them and early marauder conc shell'd 2 of them, but I also got owned trying to reaper one because he had the foresight to scout and make stalkers - his macro obviously got ahead (due to my 5 reapers) and he quickly dropped a nice mixed mini army on me.
Zerg vs zerg, I find to be quite fun, it is extremely micro intensive and you will usually learn something each time you lose.
as toss i hate playing zerg, ive worked so long on beating MMM/2 gate/6 pool which is what i mostly see, but fast mutas, banelings ect, i struggle to counter well.