ITT: Describe your current occupation, your career plans, etc. Alternative title: Share Your Personal Information and Pretend People Who Aren't Trying to Steal Your Identity Care I am a student at Arizona State University, studying Computer Science. I'm maybe looking in to a minor in Psychology. I plan on writing software for A.I. and/or games and/or something else related to entertainment. Yaaaay amusing people.
Well, I am a student at the univercity of Amsterdam, studying computer science. As most of you might have guessed from my frequent threads, I wanna design games.
I'm studying mathematics at the university of Ioannina. I'm still undecided on where I wish to continue my studies but subjects I like are mainly pure math, theoretical physics, engineering and computer science. Which one I'll pick I ain't sure yet, but intend to decide within this year...
I am an agent of an as of yet undisclosed angency, and plans for the future involve monitoring this thread for potential dissidents. Try to behave.
Man...right now i see more than one want to do computer science in university. And i'm one of those guys. I haven't moved into any universities in the UK so far, but i have plans to either move into UCL, Leicester, Swansea or Imperial College. I also want to study computer science and currently, i'm a student in a college, studying Mathematics Pure&Statistics, Computing and Graphics. And i also want to design games, but i have never got myself into the whole programming yet. i've been reading a forum about this discussion of getting a job from a computer science degree and i heard it's pretty tough and that many candidates in the UK just don't know their problem solving skills, when it comes to programming. So i wanna motivate myself to start to learn some programming languages, especially C++. Oh and i need to get myself some high AAB or atleast a ABB.
Well, if he is anything like me, he will actually combine several planets into a larger globe. To compensate for the gravity, there will be six black holes surrounding the planet, at a distance sufficient to leave 6 livable areas.
where will u get light then drie? I mean anywhere that humans live. (the world as in the whole of humanity)
Light is not that hard. A very large sun orbits the black holes at a considerable distance. Light can reach the planet if it travels between two black holes. The light will still be effected by gravity, and will be spread out, allowing it to reach a decent part of the planet. Still, short days and long nights are to be expected.
Because in that sphere, it would either scorch the face of the planet, or be sucked into one of the black holes.